If you are looking to make your own land acknowledgement, please use this example to construct your own: I would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. It is important to note that this kind of acknowledgement is not a new practice developed by colonial institutions. It could involve showing up to demonstrations led by Indigenous people in the area. WebThe Universitys endowment was originally funded in significant measure by sale of land granted under Article 16 of the 1817 Treaty of the Foot of the Rapids, also known as the Treaty of Ft. Meigs. WebWe recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. Oakland University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabe, known as the Three Fires Confederacy, comprised of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi. WebWHEREAS, land acknowledgments serve to illuminate ongoing indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and land expropriation, AND WHEREAS, the purpose of these statements is to show respect and honor the indigenous peoples that this land has been home to since time immemorial,1 AND This map represents the location and geographic spread of the entities analyzed through the survey. Rather, those critical of these statements emphasize that they should be seen as a starting point in a larger effort to understand the histories and realities of Indigenous people and to commit to change. The exercise felt uncomfortable and awkward, Necefer wrote in Outside magazine. Adrien Pochel, who is Oji-Cree and Lakota, drums and sings during a land acknowledgement ceremony for Chicago's Field Museum on October 26, 2018. For non-Indigenous communities, land acknowledgement is a powerful way of showing respect and honoring the Indigenous Peoples of the land on which we work and live. By clicking on each plotted point, you can access basic Land Acknowledgement data: -The Institution's/Entity's Name. Some Indigenous people say recent land acknowledgments from outside their communities feel hollow. It had to go slowly. This statement can be used as is or if you can find ways to connect it to your specific field of study you may do so. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Heres why some take issue with land acknowledgments and what they say needs to happen for real repair and reconciliation to occur. We recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. WebOne example of an opening land acknowledgement was: We acknowledge that The University of Michigan, named for Michigami, the worlds largest freshwater system and located in the Huron River watershed, was formed and has grown through connections with the land stewarded by the Niswi Ishkodewan Anishinaabeg: The Three Fires People who A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials. I really hope that Native issues are centered in classroom conversations and that more students and faculty understand the history of this land and how it continues to impact their own relationships with Native lands. WebThe purpose of a land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. Following the 2018 LMDA conference in Toronto -- Having a Land Acknowledgement is only one step toward building relationships with Native communities. According to a map within the University archive, Anishinaabeg maintained an Indian Encampment south of the Red Cedar River when classes were first held at the University (then known as Michigan Agricultural College) on May 13, 1857. The statement serves as a reminder that the land we occupy is stolen and that we should honor the people who occupied and stewarded before us. This is how the land acknowledgement started, we started talking together. Further, we recognize the wrongs done to those forcibly removed from their Homelands and commit to fostering an environment of inclusion that is responsive to the needs of First Peoples through our words, policies, and actions. Can you help us research? she says. This is important when extending and personalizing a given acknowledgment statement. Territories, Languages, and Treaties Digital Map, Honor Native Land: A Guide and Call to Acknowledgment. The University resides on Land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. Some of the tribes listed are functionally extinct, he says, and are grouped in with nations that continue to exist in the area. oakland university school of health sciences. An NHL game between the Montreal Canadiens and San Jose Sharks opens with a land acknowledgment shown on the scoreboard. 8. WebThe Universitys endowment was originally funded in significant measure by sale of land granted under Article 16 of the 1817 Treaty of the Foot of the Rapids, also known as the Treaty of Ft. Meigs. "It's the very bottom layer you can do," she said of land acknowledgments. Eds. The formal and public acknowledgement is an explicit gesture intended to cultivate a mutually beneficial dialogue, which is an essential feature in building an inclusive campus community. The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. I spoke with Tara at an American Indian Health and Family Services event, at which she told me about writing it for [Harpers] class, Associate Professor of English Andrea Knutson said. The university resides on land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.. So for this issue, we begin by doing a territory acknowledgement for the place from which the magazine comes. We want to acknowledge the history and land, and honour the Indigenous people who continue to love this land here in Waawiyatanong (Detroit, Michigan). Administrative adjustments made to the land acknowledge document were mainly to make the statement more specific to OU. The MSU Native American Institute provides a land acknowledgement for the university based to raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that took place before Michigan State University. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. We greatly appreciate the increased interest in this traditional practice, but the large volume of inquiries received does not always allow us to respond in a timely manner. The statement serves as a reminder that the land we occupy is stolen and that we should honor the This map represents the location and geographic spread of the entities analyzed through the survey. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. We collectively understand that offering Land Acknowledgements or Land Recognitions do not absolve settler-colonial privilege or diminish colonial structures of violence, at either the individual or institutional level. The statement was approved by the OU Senate on February 18. All Rights Reserved. Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I also think that we are exploring, putting a [permanent plaque of the acknowledgement] in a very public place so that it helps the community understand where we come from.. She views them asopening the door toward decolonizing practices, reconciliation, or bridging awareness into action. WebWHEREAS, land acknowledgments serve to illuminate ongoing indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and land expropriation, AND WHEREAS, the purpose of these statements is to show respect and honor the indigenous peoples that this land has been home to since time immemorial,1 AND The Morrill Act, which enabled the Land Grant system, was passed in the same year as both the Homestead Actgranting 160 acres to individual settlers who improved and farmed land in the Westand the largest mass hanging in the history of the United States, the state-sanctioned murder of thirty-eight Dakota. WebA land acknowledgment is a traditional custom in many Native communities and nations to show respect to the people of the land since time immemorial. And to fully fund them not ask Native faculty to beg for support Allies need to step up and take on that work. "A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials," according to the Native American Institute within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University . Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten. By clicking on each plotted point, you can access basic Land Acknowledgement data: -The Institution's/Entity's Name. I really hope that Native issues are centered in classroom conversations and that more students and faculty understand the history of this land and how it continues to impact their own relationships with Native lands. WebWe recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. We also acknowledge the Mtis community who were forced from their community on Bootaaganini-minis (Drummond Island), when the border was drawn between the US and Canada. WebWHEREAS, land acknowledgments serve to illuminate ongoing indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and land expropriation, AND WHEREAS, the purpose of these statements is to show respect and honor the indigenous peoples that this land has been home to since time immemorial,1 AND Giving a land acknowledgement requires research and reflection to understand the historical and contemporary Indigenous communities having a relationship with the land. Land acknowledgments are now routine in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and are becoming increasingly prevalent in progressive spaces in the US. Land acknowledgement is a traditional custom dating back centuries for many Native communities and nations. Im not Indigenous, and Andrea is not. I think that Indians would say, We want the land back.. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 4705 West Marginal Way Southwest, Seattle, WA, 98106, United States. A Warner Bros. By officially enacting the acknowledgement on May 5, OU joins a number of public institutions across the country in this step toward the inclusion of Indigenous communities. -The Address/City/State. Some land acknowledgments also fail to acknowledge the traumas that accompanied Native people being removed from their lands, Lambert adds. ), Ashleigh Dubie (Cherokee, English/STEP, student), Megan Peiser (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Asst. Taking from our roots as a Mercy and Jesuit university, we are committed to justice and reconciliation for our Native neighbors. A land acknowledgement can be a few sentences or several pages. -The Institution Type. WebA Land Acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. [Were considering] some type of an ongoing event that would honor Native Americans Native American History Month or some other activity. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been historically marginalized from American institutions, politics and academic curriculums. We are also here to honor our Native American ancestors whose ways of knowing demonstrated reverence and respect for the land on which Oakland University now stands. By officially enacting the acknowledgement on May 5, OU joins anumber of public institutions across the country in this step toward the inclusion of Indigenous communities. Wed like to extend special appreciation to Andrea Knutson (Assoc. The statement serves as a reminder that the land we occupy is stolen and that we should honor the The statement serves as a reminder that the land we occupy is stolen and that we should honor the Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. -The Address/City/State. Here is an additional example of a Duwamish land acknowledgement painted on the side of Seattle Mennonite Church in North Seattle: We at Seattle Mennonite church acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish people. -The Institution Type 312 Meadow Brook Rd Stay in touch with whats happening at Meadow Brook Hall by signing up for our e-newsletter. A land acknowledgment might be spoken before a public gathering or issued as a written statement by an institution. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. He notices a similar lack of nuance in the ways people determine whose land theyre on. CBC Indigenous spoke with five First Nations people about the issues they see, what they expect when others make land acknowledgmentsand advice on how they can ring less hollow. Indigenous people across the US want their land back -- and the movement is gaining momentum, If theyre going to acknowledge what happened in the transfer of this land from Indian to non-Indian control, there has to be some proactive action on the part of the institution for the aggrieved group, he said. 8. Necefer, a member of the Navajo Nation, recalls a recent experience he had while on a conference call, during which each participant was asked to recognize the Indigenous people whose homelands they were calling from. In particular, the university resides on land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. King wants to see institutions, organizations, or whoever plans on making a land acknowledgment to collaborate with and support Indigenous communities. You do not need to follow our example acknowledgement word-for-word. Its about the action that needs to happen.. Its important people understand that when you put that upon Indigenous people, it can create a lot of additional stress on Native peoples and Native organizations., Larry Chavis, former director of UNCs American Indian Center, put it like this at a faculty council meeting after being asked to write a land acknowledgment for the university: Its like me writing my own thank you note for a gift that was taken from me.. We promise to do a better job in the future, says Lambert, who is an enrolled citizen of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Hours, Directions & Parking We invite the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability community to actively participate in these acts of respect, by getting to know better the history and present context of the Indigenous communities of the land where you live, study, and work. The statement reads: Oakland University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabe, known as the Three Fires Confederacy, comprised of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi. Challenge Detroit 2023-2024 Fellowship Job Opportunity, MSU College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (CANR), MSU in the 313 Pre College Summer Experience Scholarship, UOE Lunch and Learn - Native American Institute, James Madison College - Black History Month symposium, Subscribe to get information about our events and activities by e-mail. Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. That also means taking the time to research specific names of nations rather than sweeping generalizations, and being cautious of subtext. Deel-McKenzie says a land acknowledgment should be seen as a first step one that must be followed by a call to action. In what Campus Communications deemed an explicit gesture intended to cultivate a mutually beneficial dialogue, Oakland University officially adopted the OU Land Acknowledgement Statement last month. Necefer says his organization NativesOutdoors has moved away from the red pin emojis in social media captions that function as land acknowledgments and is instead focusing its efforts on more ambitious ways they can educate non-Native audiences about the history of the places they live. It could be as simple as saying, This event is taking place on the traditional lands of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. It could take a more specific approach, such as We recognize the sustained oppression, land dispossession, and involuntary removals of the Muscogee and Cherokee peoples from Georgia and the Southeast On social media, it might show up as a red pushpin emoji, followed by the name of the tribe whose homelands one is on. Together we crafted the Land Acknowledgement to accurately reflect the violences perpetuated against Native and Indigenous Peoples of what is currently called Michigan, and intend it to stand as both a clear recognition of those atrocities, and a promise of better and different relationships with local tribes and the land by [OU].. Land dispossession is continuing, he adds. Deel-McKenzie says a land acknowledgment should be seen as a first step one that must be followed by a call to action. WebFor non-Indigenous communities, land acknowledgement is a powerful way of showing respect and honoring the Indigenous Peoples of the land on which we work and live. (Native Lands Digital, which did not immediately respond to questions from CNN, says in a disclaimer on the site that the map is not perfect and is a work in progress.) He was calling from his mothers house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which Navajos have considered their homelands for centuries. But despite the flaws in some land acknowledgments, he and others say they arent suggesting that the practice be done away with altogether. But it struck him that many Pueblos in the area would dispute those claims and a brief land acknowledgment would oversimplify what was actually a complex and contested history. Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. When that Campus Communications email announcement made the OU Land Acknowledgement Statement official, there was definitely a sense of pride in what had been accomplished. In AIIS, we push Michigan State University to recruit, retain, and support American Indian and Indigenous students, faculty, and staff. To him, that language obscures the fact that tribal nations were sovereign over those lands and that they werent just caretakers. of Public Environmental Wellness, Land Acknowledgment Committee), Deborah Vanderlinde (Associate Professor of Music Education, School of Music, Theater, and Dance), Elizabeth Wallis (Cherokee, Associate Dean, University Libraries), Nivedita Mukherji (Interim Associate Provost, Faculty Affairs), Noelle Mongene (Anishinaabe, Graduate Student at OU). Do something different, actually work with Indigenous communities in a meaningful way.". The phrase on stolen land can unknowingly erase these cultural views.. Likewise, we recognize that parts of what is now Michigan includes Land within the traditional Homelands of the Miami, Meskwaki, Sauk, Kickapoo, Menominee, and other Indigenous nations. We need scholarships for Native students we need to hire more Native faculty We need a cross-departmental program for Native students and settler students in Native arts, ecology and more. Oakland University, Andrew & Savana's stylish and sophisticated Meadow, Everything is different after dark. WebA land acknowledgment is a traditional custom in many Native communities and nations to show respect to the people of the land since time immemorial. Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. WebThe Universitys endowment was originally funded in significant measure by sale of land granted under Article 16 of the 1817 Treaty of the Foot of the Rapids, also known as the Treaty of Ft. Meigs. In order to be transformative, it is important to move away from performative acts, as Megan Red-Shirt Shawsays in her essay Beyond the Land Acknowledgment: College "LAND BACK" or Free Tuition for Native Students, into a mindful way to show awareness, create accountability, and actively disrupt colonial structures. We affirm and acknowledge the Burt Lake Band, who were literally burned from their houses in 1900. We want to acknowledge the history and land, and honour the Indigenous people who continue to love this land here in Waawiyatanong (Detroit, Michigan). For OU, the first steps in delivering a more inclusive campus for Indigenous students is going to be following up on the goals outlined in the Campus Communications release. WebLand Acknowledgements Map. The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. WebResource Map - Land Acknowledgements. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. The purpose of a land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. There has to be absolute action behind it," she said. During the past several months, a group of faculty, students and administrators have collaborated to draft the Land Acknowledgement Statement. -Laurier Students Public Interest Research Group, Ontario, Canada. WebLand Acknowledgements Map. "You can have the nicest, most beautiful and most respectful land acknowledgment of all time but if you have no actions to back up your words, then why are you bothering?" Oakland needs to step up with money and real resources, Peiser said. The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten. WebA Land Acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. Learn more about Stanford's history with the Ohlone, Stanfords Relationships with Native Peoples, Beyond the Land Acknowledgment: College "LAND BACK" or Free Tuition for Native Students. This app will show you what Indigenous land you're on. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. Its like, Oh gee, thanks for taking care of the land so well. appreciated. The analysis of this data, or separate/individual entries, can be found in the Land Acknowledgement database. Left to right: Andrea Knutson, Megan Peiser and Ashleigh Dubie doing research while crafting OUs Land Acknowledgement Statement. It is up to you how you feel your acknowledgement should be carried out. I also think that we are exploring, putting a [permanent plaque of the acknowledgement] in a very public place so that it helps the community understand where we come from.. Universities around the state and country have issued similar land acknowledgement statements. She then sent it to me I posted it on Facebook, and thats when Professor Rajaee responded telling me Tara was a student of hers and that we should talk about getting it formally adopted.. Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten. With that bigger picture in mind, this core four of Knutson, Peiser, Rajaee and Dubie continued the delicate work of drafting the statement. Another issue that Deel-McKenzie observed was that many people seemed too caught up in the particulars of the statements wording, without enough consideration on how they planned to support Indigenous communities moving forward. When it comes to action, Kahsennoktha George wants to see companies and institutions participating in systemic change. Having a Land Acknowledgement is only one step toward building relationships with Native communities. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been Consistent with our values of community and inclusion, we have a responsibility to acknowledge, honor and makevisible the universitys relationship to Native peoples. Furthermore, it is a way to show respect and gratitude to the traditional stewards of a specific location, while recognizing that colonialism is still an ongoing process. From universities to sports games to city council meetings to Twitter bios, its becoming increasingly common to see statements recognizing that the land on which one is standing once belonged to Indigenous people. King said some of the problems he sees in Toronto is thatland acknowledgments are simply inaccurate, include the same nation multiple times under different terms, or misinterpret treaty conceptssuch as the Dish With One Spoon into a metaphor of a "multicultural utopia.". Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much We recognize that settler and Indigenous signatories understood the terms of the treaties in starkly different terms. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. Further, we recognize the wrongs done to those forcibly removed from their Homelands and commit to fostering an environment of inclusion that is responsive to the needs of First Peoples through our words, policies, and actions. In addition to normal employment and family obligations, Indigenous people are working to heal their traumas, learn their languages, and support their nations. Professor, English Dept. We are also here to honor our Native American ancestors whose ways of knowing demonstrated reverence and respect for the land on which Oakland University and Meadow Brook Hall now stands. Hours:Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.Wednesdays with extended hours 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. During the past several months, a group of faculty, students and administrators have collaborated to draft the Land Acknowledgement Statement. It feels like a box checking activity, like people are doing it to signal their politics, says Len Necefer, an Indigenous studies scholar and founder and CEO of the apparel and media company NativesOutdoors. Learning the importance of honoring and acknowledging the land on which you live, work and play. This land was and continues to be of great importance to the Ohlone people. 350 Estate Drive WebThe purpose of a land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. I hope our administration will.. But while some tribes might agree with that characterization, Necefer says, others view the situation differently: Rather than land belonging to people, people belong to the land. The statement also serves as a reminder to connect with those people groups in tangible ways. (248) 370-3496 By clicking on each plotted point, you can access basic Land Acknowledgement data: -The Institution's/Entity's Name. Eds. Many people who use the app tend to approach it as the endpoint rather than the starting point, he adds. Thank you for your interest in the Duwamish Tribe! Meadow Brook Hall by signing up for our Native neighbors makes up southeast Michigan the flaws in some land from. Described Video is available for many Native communities and nations data: -The Institution's/Entity Name. The time to research specific names of nations rather than the starting point, you can access basic land statement. Nations rather than the starting point, he and others say they arent that... Dubie ( Cherokee, English/STEP, student ), Ashleigh Dubie ( Cherokee, English/STEP, student,! When it comes to action be spoken before a public gathering or issued as a first step one that be! 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