hitler and the treaty of versailles answer key pdf

The Nazi goal of obtaining Lebensraum in Eastern Europe led Germany to attack the Soviet Union in June 1941. In March 1939, Germany occupied and dismembered the rest of Czechoslovakia, establishing a German protectorate over the Czech lands and permitting the formation of Slovakia as a sovereign state with a pro-German regime. <> 0000051232 00000 n The German Foreign Office continued trying to persuade European governments to deport their Jewish population until Allied victories made such a step impossible. trailer Does this account of Hitler confirm that he was a passionate lunatic as described in Source 1? 0000068763 00000 n From 19331938, Konstantin von Neurath, a conservative career diplomat, served as German foreign minister. 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Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Little more than a week later, on March 23, 1939, German troops suddenly occupied Memel. WWI PowerPoint, Guided Notes, & Flipped Classroom Lesson, US History Part 2 PowerPoint and Guided Notes Bundle, WORLD UNIT 11 LESSON 8. endobj ]u)Ca%@~-EP@9?7 'LlD]y&+zL_Q I Nazi leaders decided by the end of 1941 to carry out the final solution policy of systematically annihilating the Jews in Europe. %PDF-1.4 % Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day: the inter-war years: the Great Depression and the rise of dictators, Key stage 4 Describe specific actions. Germans are shocked and horrified. Which words suggest that Bernstorff disliked the Nazi regime? 0000255479 00000 n Does Mr. Law favour granting further concessions to Hitler? Explain whether or not you think your evidence is reliable, Say whether Hitler is sane or not and provide evidence from the sources to support your answer. VaNfKHp;5`mq'$;rg}{GrGlr)_ Or an odd eccentric who was rebuilding Germany? So long as this Treaty stands there can be no resurrection of the German people; no, social reform of any kind is possible! He demanded the annexation of the Free City of Danzig to Germany and extraterritorial access for Germany through the so-called Polish Corridor to East Prussia. The fighting begins - more countries join the fight3. After he became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 parliamentary democracy came to an end. The lesson can also be used as an introduction to a wider enquiry into appeasement and the decisions made by the British Government and others before the outbreak of the war in 1939. Unification of all Germans. Answered . nz4ugoPenOUWT7E[kK QT83hcB#i~O=%w]> #_, Ko\]?42gz;17p;y\pTw\rJosx_uSugi*M! HJ(cR Check out this internet scavenger hunt! From that point forward, Hitler was the dictator of Germany. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> '!x9r>D3`+@NXzDPD|A W Check out this internet scavenger hunt! The presentation covers from the causes of the war through to the Treaty of Versailles that ended it. xb```f``ic`+@(hhVX UQ2Rz(R It ha, This 6-E lesson explores the end of World War I & the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. ;lJgXy9R`>I#'ScE64DUw:+ n~e }5^QDoN In January 1919, two months after the fighting in World War I ceased, a conference was convened at Versailles, the former country estate of the French monarchy . Explore a timeline of events that occurred before, during, and after the Holocaust. Denmark, Finland, and Italy refused. Activity I: Comparison of Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles On the chart that appears on student handbook pages EA-49 and EB-49, have each pair of students in the cooperative group examine Wilson's Fourteen Points and fill in whether or not the Treaty of Versailles followed his suggestions (see answer key on page H-50). <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> x]j0.JM;6]! Czechoslovakia ceased to exist. The resources and activities work great for distance or in person learning. 11 29 This helped create a power vacuum, which the army tried to fill with Kurt von Schleicher before backing Hitler. Oh[%$n:/:,-,0c;uv8"LrA9]qY5W*~s. How did the Versailles Treaty lead to World War Two. The lesson examines the state of the world after the Great War was finally over. Hitler's action brought condemnation from Britain and France, but neither nation intervened. 2j2Bm 4w.bC.n*2wzl:d/Dm,R^WC >f4X0hSX`tPF]ew-hNI%rek,}ZA}}VaYhw8Hg There is also a look one of the worst atrocities ever committed: the Armenian G, This study guide and test is a great way to assess your student's knowledge about World War I! }\"2+wx(KHx+H{6X0K_Uw!Eg9Rz6(*B'cCglS]^-OpQ;Sc j[cz1S?pocB9l hb```b``^ @1V0 6+@(QtJ2HDM-xinBJV %9: D2x @a3LQR@, Qabps``\*L`7LTX_4p.f0lC%V@ f |3s 0000236225 00000 n Before the outbreak of the Second World War, in the period 1935-38, Hitler acted against the terms of the Treaty of . Washington, DC 20024-2126 Oy+kL}HI%y2P%%1{fw?}| C'~g(d30I i$:!kDD$a!w 1ukEb Military conscription was reintroduced on March 16, 1935, in open violation of the Treaty of Versailles. unite all German-speaking people into one Reich. In 1936, Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles by moving 22,000 troops into the Rhineland demilitarised zone. endobj This is an extensive PowerPoint that includes all relevant information with many pictures throughout. 0000014500 00000 n Yev([]'rMC$D,ThQ[bg=Dk-'V62P5r 4L.v+r#hRrO>GVSNK*,%"D)z.!B%rN?h1_mFNO*Iov?CkEz$$,`hDoy|i,yE[(C\r}"^6rI _R, uHB ,${2],IY,Eg$\gjo50/>(>FRZd>@zZaC(QOtp1lD%I>!=PI 2. Etta`X,rAQA%.1:48:UQ72u>VaAH3 q.H Scientific Glassware; Reach Us; Home; Blog; Uncategorized; hitler and the treaty of versailles answer key pdf; Saturday, 22 January 2022 / Published in revere high school hockey. The Guided Notes Activity can be done independently before viewing the presentation or in conjunction with it. The location of the signing was deliberately selected. Many people, including Adolf Hitler, refuse to believe that the loss is real. As its foundation our Movement formulated three demands: 1. 0000001486 00000 n EmM^. What were some similarities between racism in Nazi Germany and in the United States, 1920s-1940s? As its foundation our Movement formulated three. World War I Bundle- PPTs, Guided Notes, Readings, Assessments, and More!!!!! Hitler was determined to overturn the remaining military and territorial provisions of the treaty and include ethnic Germans in the Reich as a step toward the creation of a German empire in Europe. Introduction to the lesson includes Cartoon Analysis and Fill-in guided notes on Neutrality Acts, Cash and Carry, and Lend-Lease Act. The activities are engaging for students and easy for you to use! Hitler's aggressive foreign policy resulted in the outbreak of World War II in September 1939. and how the war ended. The government paid the artist to produce this picture. Great Britain and France hoped to prevent another world war by giving into Hitlers demands through a policy of appeasement. hb```"[V{B eaXyCr0irzBS^;gpY]L%*( ( xref hitler and the treaty of versailles answer key pdf. 3>,)%oJI"sx-%o/TBJahJ/d wd$H%c#BR#&GyHT2G*LndTX?2,"bx1i*z HPCL@0BBZ \mS,[2r \O)1QEvi6daL(o?*pxi;{2VPR|n V$QqEj Cz(+Y- +G?k\YU 8UKU-AY-#azb2Yy{h)dz'tI>Jz#*=P)J|g;L(icIkVW$|(SEm6;]c'FOa:j>C\Ik2n~0' WWI#8 Bitter Peace-The Treaty of Versailles GUIDED NOTES, HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY POWERPOINTS by Chris Jaskowiak, World War I Study Guide and Test (WWI, WW1), World War II PowerPoint and Guided Notes (World War 2, WWII), World War I and World War II Bundle - PowerPoints and Guided Notes (WWI / WWII), US HIS UNIT 9 LESSON 4: Versailles Treaty & League of Nations GUIDED NOTES, US HIS UNIT 9 LESSON 4: Versailles Treaty & League of Nations POWERPOINT. More information about this image jzuuwL~B tB{t~,g#< To prepare for the war, German foreign policy sought to undo the Treaty of Versailles, build alliances, and incorporate territories with German populations into the Reich. 0000007830 00000 n wA$F}$Oezar=Td+'I$7nR}cL'. _{)D:Tx]p eRq(yl;q3_p'{g.s`E !kxueu\!FFh=E8ctP@L(E("B{D t@PVvzDTD*TL%7YH2nx cBFSrw$RdqC9l3j$vE},xY0:2}r # Hitler & The Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles officially ended with World War I, June 28th, 1919. Land and soil [Grund und Boden] to feed our nation. This plan for the lowest point of the treaty of versailles worksheet answer key areas of nation state should be bound to lithuania, kept clear of government. <>/Metadata 250 0 R/ViewerPreferences 251 0 R>> Students later examine a drawing which presents him differently. 2. 3] t#=@lXN fa? 0000241138 00000 n The German Foreign Office played an important role in implementing this policy. Students will use the scaffolded notes to guide their research throughout the website!Includes:- 4 page internet scavenger hunt (editable PDF or printable)- answer keyThis internet scavenger hunt covers Georgia Performance Standards:SS5H2 Describe U.S. involvement in World War I and post-World War I America.a. Appeasement Before World War 2 Worksheet Answer Key Pdf 3350 kb/s 7104 Path To Nazi Genocide Worksheet: ANSWER KEY List three ways in which World War I and the Treaty of Versailles led to political instability in Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was a peace document signed between Imperial Germany and the Allied Powers on 28th June 1919. SS5H2 Describe U.S. involvement in World War I and post-World War I America. There are recap questions scattered throughout the slides to help students review the rise of totalitarian dictators. The Treaty was made in order to bring 20, million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. 0000002079 00000 n The Treaty was made in order to bring 20 million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. - 5 page test 0000051466 00000 n Hitler proclaimed himself Fhrer (leader) of Germany. what stands in the way of the rise and sucsess in Germany? By overturning the treaty, the German government sought to incorporate ethnically German territories into the Reich. Other territorial demands followed. 1) had to take sole blame for starting the war 2) territory shrunk 3) large reparations 4) Hitler . If the Republic on the day of its, foundation had appealed to the country: Germans, stand together! HUn1W( 0000009493 00000 n 5rb9C`0MtV@=aC0`7s3quS!vbw6x$>g>JF~61+JdQQ30_^[:;`LbVrb.TX)]Jq`x+7;i9[0@=AbPt2)@W,K?!`:N/1c1mdA4E _2p The first source is an extract from a report by Mr. Law, a British businessman, who worked in Germany provided to the Foreign Office. The national groups in Europe should, wherever possible, with given their independence. Austria was incorporated into Germany on the following day. The guided lesson includes fill-in notes for students. Thereafter, the Nazis supported rearmament and rapidly expanded arms production. startxref The entire struggle for survival is a . 63 0 obj <>stream TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. 0000243252 00000 n - answer key But those who made, the Treaty cannot set it aside. The Treaty of Versailles was a major contributing factor in the outbreak of the Second World War. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, and officially ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Footwear. Explain how German attacks on U.S. shipping during th. ANSWER KEY 3. Also included in:BUNDLE | Intro to World War I Digital 6-E Unit | WWI Google Resources WW1. 0000002548 00000 n Lloyd's News reporting the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. On March 15, 1939, Hitler violated the Munich agreement and moved against the Czechoslovak state. Analyze the reaction in and the toward Hitler's actions. 0 \ World War 2 and rise of Nazi Germany: From Versailles to the Beginning of WWII! 0000000016 00000 n 6/se 9qg-m__2x=68IC?'Ws!E8(o:Rqq{}!-h!-QOiaSunZG9Z ) 'Yd9S/.QHn0o]i/x60T1j+aYxgQeU ;?2,dCU,u 0000003338 00000 n Handouts include reading passages and images on Treaty of Versailles, Great Depression, Fascist Dictators, Hitler and Nazi Party, Appeasement, and Invasion of Poland. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Introduce the Big 4 & explain how the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for being a BRAT (Blame-Reparations-Army-Territory). You have been provided with the sources above. Neurath was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment; Ribbentrop was sentenced to death and hanged. During the war, German foreign policy sought the cooperation of European states in achieving the Nazi goal of murdering the Jews in Europe. HdVA$9{A!_0=1WYY;nQgk Need Help? In Hitlers vision, Germans would populate this area, the inferior Slavic population would be enslaved or driven out, and Jews would disappear entirely from all German-dominated territory. 0000069210 00000 n (5) $6.50. Students review the shortcomings of the Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini, and a brief overview of the Spanish-Civil War. Appeasement was the name given to Britains policy in the 1930s which permitted Hitler to expand German territory unchecked and did little to stop him in his early moves against the Treaty of Versailles. What territories AND what critical resource did Germany lose due to the Versailles Treaty? With Hitler determined to attack Poland, Europe was on the brink of war in late summer 1939. Students will interact with the four main consequences of the Treaty of Versailles and are introduced to how the repurcussions will set the stage for Germany to be an instigator in World War II. A timeline of these events in Germany can be found here. 0000001668 00000 n Unit also includes, warm up PowerPoints, informational text documents, including timeline with questions, primary source documents, exit tickets, crossword review, Kahoot review game, and editable assessmen, World War 1 PowerPoint with video clips and presenter notes covers the atmosphere in Europe leading up the the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, World War I, and finishes with the Treaty of Versailles and how it led to WWII.This 25 slide WWI PowerPoint/ is packed with beautiful graphics, engaging video clips and presenter notes that aid your understanding of each slide and can aid your lecture. 18 0 obj <> endobj 0000001955 00000 n 1. German diplomats had the task of persuading Europes sovereign states to resolve their Jewish question themselves or by turning their Jewish population over to Germany. what were the 3 demands of hitler? On March 7, 1936, however, Hitler repudiated this agreement and ordered the German armed forces (Wehrmacht) into the demilitarized Rhineland. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 World War I Unit Bundled covers the the atmosphere in Europe leading up the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, World War 1, and finishes with the Treaty of Versailles and its contribution to World War II. Potential activities: Students research how Hitler expanded German territory and power in Europe before the outbreak of the Second World War. It was closely linked to the Prime Minister at the time, Neville Chamberlain and was popular although is now regarded as a policy of weakness. 4 0 obj x]Rn0}W{HCBH-]%v>&C! he wanted to bring them together, follow the same paths, and promised them things in the time of crisis. The treaty has come to make a line down to your answers. 0000005596 00000 n Hitler also raised territorial demands on Poland in the spring of 1939. %PDF-1.5 % Students are required to contrast this to the earlier sources and consider what factors make a reliable source. Notes on Neutrality Acts, Cash and Carry, and more!!... This picture, 1939, German foreign Office played an important role in implementing this policy attack Poland Europe. Bundle- PPTs, Guided Notes, Readings, Assessments, and promised them things in way... Lose due to the Beginning of WWII i~O= % w ] > # _, Ko\ ]? 42gz 17p! Finally over from Versailles to the lesson examines the state of the World after the War... 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