holley terminator x speedometer output

It has 8 injector outputs and outputs for other devices. I used Google Earth to get a fairly accurate mile on a local side street, to measure the proper ppm required. Is there a way to send a signal from my Terminator X Max to my electronic speedometer? 4. I'm trying to figure out a way to convert PWM to PWM+ with a relay or something, but that's why in my case the speedometer doesn't recognize any pulses. endobj Enter the correct Speed Calculation parameters (Tire Diameter & Rear Gear Ratio). It contains all the sensor inputs and wide band oxygen sensor control. Good to see Holley Tech Support is answering questions. Whether you're engine swapping your classic car or need to manage 4000 horsepower in your twin-turbocharged drag radial race car, Holley EFI has the solutions you need to get your project up and running better than ever! check out the. The Dash features a 7" low glare, high brightness, high contrast, full-color touch screen for easy viewing even in full sun, plug and plays connection to all Holley EFI systems as well as a weather proof aluminum housing featuring flexible mounting options. Holley EFI. The Terminator X has four inputs and four outputs available. The vehicle has a 3200 stall so it is hard to tell but it may be . <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Worth every penny! 2023 Holley Performance Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I set the Holley to 4000 PPM and the Dakota Digital to 4000 PPM. See page 41, "Speed Calculation - Enable Speedometer": Yes, I was able to enable it. Holley EFI Touch Screen Update. Dakota Digital cannot guarantee the presence or accuracyof the Coolant Temp., Intake Temp., Fuel Pressure, or Air/ Fuel ratio displays since this is a functionof the ECM and matching OEM functional sensors. Holley EFI 553-121 - 4-1/2 Speedometer, 0-160 Mph, Gps, Black Holley EFI Accessories Recently switched over to Terminator X Max from HP Tuners. Holley is the new standard in EFI! Perfect for the DIY project simple to install and easy to use. Connector J1A/B Input/Output Auxillary Harness P/N 558-400 This harness connects to the 8 pin Metripak Input/Output connector, located in most Holley EFI main harnesses (Terminator harness have a 3 pin I/O connector). Copyright 2023 Classic Instruments. Engine Running - Green = Running - Yellow = No RPM. It's very nice, but would be exceptionally nice if it also contained an accelerometer. Also in Tools, Shop Equipment & Chemicals, Cataclean - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Cataclean Diesel - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Distribution Blocks, Filters, Adapters and Fittings, Microswitch and Solenoid Mounting Brackets, Holley EFI CAN to USB Dongle - Communication Cable, Holley Dash Bezels for the Holley EFI 7" Dashes, Holley Sniper EFI Self-Tuning Master Kit - Black Ceramic Finish. Thanks. Two powertrain management systems from Holley that offer plug and play control for most domestic V8 engines starting at just $999. It will cater to the amateur/mildly technical customer, but not any replacement or better version of their hp and dominator series. The box has everything you need to connect and be on your way showing off that hi tech look with a easy to use daily control. 07/27/2020. and Works great with my large display and connects no problem. 09/18/2020. check out the. Magnetic base provides for multiple mounting solutions. If you plan on installing a Terminator X on any LS engine, this video is for you! This creates a +12V square wave Output that can be used to trigger an electronic speedometer. let's start from scratch with a newbie. This part is legal for sale or use on Emissions Controlled Vehicles, Uncontrolled (Non-Emissions Controlled) Vehicles, and Racing Use Only Vehicles because it does not affect vehicle emissions and is not covered by emissions regulations. Terminator X Max only outputs speedometer (or anything else) as a PWM signal, so the expected +5V or +12V most aftermarket speedometers expect to see is not there. Monitor the power of your Holley EFI system at a glance! Tranny shifted ok under HP Tuners but tuning for the engine was over out heads so we switched. % Holley Terminator X ECU Now Supports Gen 3 Hemi VVT and SRV Control, How to Install a Holley Terminator X Max ECU on a Ford Coyote Engine. The 46 USB cable ensures you will be able to install the GPS Module virtually anywhere on the dash. The Terminator X system integrates boost control functionality into the handheld, allowing you to easily change timing and AFR offset without needing a Laptop! White. Would be nice if a cheap pigtail one was included, but one can be fabricated (or found) relatively easily. Leave the "Table Section" as default as its not applicable to manual trans. The BIM-01-2-HLLY will collect and output the following information to Dakota Digital Instrument Systems *: I run a similar setup with Dakota Digital speedometer, and mine is 6000 ppm. Tick the "Speedometer Output Enabled", and enter 4000 PPMILE in the box to suit speedo requirement. 10hz Refresh rate for ultra-accurate real time speedometer output. <>>> All times are GMT-6. 10 min read tech. http://forums.holley.com/showthread.0291#post30291, http://forums.holley.com/showthread.2656#post82656, http://documents.holley.com/199r10746rev1.pdf, If this is your first visit, be sure to Also in Tools, Shop Equipment & Chemicals, Cataclean - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Cataclean Diesel - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Distribution Blocks, Filters, Adapters and Fittings, Microswitch and Solenoid Mounting Brackets, Introducing Holley EFI V6 Software Updates, Going In-Depth With Holley's Terminator X Stealth 4500 EFI System, Terminator X 4500 Stealth Helps This 10,400 RPM Capable Dual-Quad EFI Small Block Make 1,081 Horsepower At EFI University, Ditch the Carb and Go EFI with Holley Terminator X Stealth 4500 and 4150, Holley Terminator X ECU Now Supports Gen 3 Hemi VVT and SRV Control, How to Install a Holley Terminator X Max ECU on a Ford Coyote Engine, How To Email Datalogs and Global Files for Holley EFI and Terminator X, How To Setup Inputs & Outputs on Terminator X EFI, Terminator X for Ford Part 2: Installing MSD Pro 600 & Cam Sync on Small Block Ford, Terminator X EFI for Ford Part 1: Installing Sensors And Relay Wiring, How to Update Your Terminator X EFI Firmware, How To: Install Terminator X EFI on any LS Engine. This connector is the output connector. Fully customizable 7" Dash, with a huge array of gauge and indicator screens. 7. USB connection for user friendly plug and play installations. Terminator X and Terminator X Max. 4-1/2". Black. It is recommended that all Touch Screen users that purchased a Holley EFI touch screen before June 2011, and experience a battery drain over 2-3 weeks, install this update. Staff Writer. Good to see Holley Tech Support is answering questions. Do you need a custom kit built for your application? 10 min read Video. Copyright 2022 Holley Performance Products, Inc. All right reserved. The BIM-01-2-HLLYwill collect and output the following information to Dakota Digital Instrument Systems *: Please note: Due tothe variousfactory and modified ECM's, additional data add-on's from Holley may be available such as Vehicle Speed, Oil Pressure, Fuel Pressure and Boost. Why settle for a junkyard or factory ECU with a cumbersome aftermarket tuning interface when you can get complete control of your engine, self-learning fuel strategies and the proven, race winning technology of Holley EFI for under a grand! How to Install a Holley Terminator X Max ECU on a Ford Coyote Engine. It's assigned to B3. Sep 22, 2020. 605-332-6513 (request a technician) It should have a display mode with a 2 dimensional g force (cornering, accel, braking), digital g readings instantaneous and peak, and able to do calculations for peak and instantaneous HP. The I took the wiring harness that came with my kit and hooked that designated wire to the speedometer input wire in my dash and it does nothing? Gauge Background Color. Hope this helps. Have you been searching for a reason to discard your old noisy mechanical speedometer cable? Make sure that you the Transmission ICF the gear ratio and tire size are programmed properly, then go through the recommended Auto Meter programming procedure. 2023 Holley Performance Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I'm running a 4L60E, 2.73:1 gears (for now) with 28" tires & Dakota VHX series gauges. Andrew. May God's grace bless you in the Lord Jesus Christ. Holley is the new standard in EFI! http://forums.holley.com/showthread.0291#post30291, If this is your first visit, be sure to selected in the Inputs/Outputs screen), but the ECU outputs this as a +12V square wave "Speedo" signal. Watch out instructional videos on Holley EFI. J4 - Connection point for the Transmission harness. 8 Built-in multi-color diagnostic LED's allow you to quickly identify a variety of potential system issues, such as a failed TPS Autoset - faulty crank or cam sensors, or potential oxygen sensor issues! 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (CST) For any BIM-compatible control boxes which contain the 3.5mm headphone jack BIM input, add part number394193adaptor harness. These settings will enable the Holley to send speed out on the Racepack CAN SIGARA mempunyai banyak fitur selain E-Kinerja yaitu notulen, pemesanan tempat aula dan pengajuan cuti Stay up to date with the latest releases, events, promotions and more. MAP Sensor - used on N/A applications, connect directly to left manifold vacuum port on the intake manifold. All Rights Reserved. In this video, Ray walks us through setting up I/O (inputs and outputs) to power fans, fuel pumps, transbrake, etc on Terminator X EFISubscribe now to make s. The procedure is in the Dakota Digital manual, and it's very easy & accurate. This could be built-in to future models, or as an additional plug-in module, or an external add-on module with a SW/Firmware update to existing modles. This will likely work just fine with the other Holley items such as the HP or dominator, so long as you have transmission controls.I tend to ramble a bit in . At the end of the mile, you press the button again, and it will tell you the exact PPM number to enter into the Holley EFI software and your done. All of the new Terminator X systems utilize the Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband to relay AFR information to the ECU for accurate reading and precise tuning control. Do you need a system installed and tuned? My biggest hesitation was that my factor dash gauges would not work and I don't want a bunch of aftermarket gauges all over the place. Well, the Term X fixed the engine issues but the tranny won't shift properly. First right out the box I didnt know it was a strong metal construction so you know it will last the beating of a daily driver to off-road . ), Virtual Switch Panel (replaces the need for physical switches), Configurable progressive shift lights and light bar, Control and on screen playback of EFI data logs, Download and save Holley EFI data logs to external USB memory stick, Expandable internal storage on micro SD card, Upgradable with future software enhancements, Optional harness available to add physical inputs and outputs to the dash that can be used to perform multiple operations. Main Power - Connects to the Main Power Harness, these two wires MUST be wired directly to the Battery Terminals. It monitors all your vitals at a glance and fully customizable to fit anyones needs. Jan 3, 2014. You'll also need to select the "Speedo" Output Type PWM+/ in the Inputs/Outputs screen. stream By Joseph R on June 4, 2021 | Verified Owner. I think that the I/O adapter is a little expensive, even though it looks to be top quality. Privacy Policy I could not find anything specific regarding speedometer output. In this video, Ray walks us through setting up I/O (inputs and outputs) to power fans, fuel pumps, transbrake, etc on Terminator X EFISubscribe now to make sure you don't miss any of our new products!https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=HolleyPerformanceHOLLEY ON SOCIAL:Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HolleyPerformanceTwitter - https://twitter.com/holley_newsInstagram - https://instagram.com/holleyperformance/Website - http://www.holley.comProduct Videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNMSNx7tRu2uFKqJy5oCmXSW8usF5o7O5 For the advanced user, the Terminator X Software contains a robust boost control system, with Dome Control, Boost By Time/Gear/RPM/Speed, and built in Boost Safeties. **Compatible Dakota Digital instrument system:VHX,HDX,RTXandVFD3systems with a black plastic control module. See all 16 photos Holley's latest budget-oriented EFI system, the Terminator-X, also offers a slightly more expensive MAX option that integrates 4L60E and 4L80E family of transmission control as well. I show and explain how to adjust WOT Rpm line and actual shift point mph so you don't fall to low in rpm with a automatic transmission turbo car and gold con. . So there's not a native speedometer output, I'd have to use one of the four available outputs? The 46" USB cable ensures you will be able to install the GPS Module virtually anywhere on the dash. There's few new ideas here that I'm going to go try. Features: USB connection for user friendly plug and play installations. This page was generated at 10:56 AM. 2. Enter To Win Holley's 2023 Hemi Engine Sweepstakes For Your Chance To Win A 600+ Horsepower 392 Stroker! I have the Speedometer Output enabled, so what do I set the ppm to? FYI: The "Speedometer Output Enable" (Speed Calculation in the Transmission ICF) is used to operate an electronic speedometer . Terminator X 4500 Stealth Helps This 10,400 RPM Capable Dual-Quad EFI Small Block Make 1,081 Horsepower At EFI University. endobj <> Find Holley Terminator X Engine Management Systems and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $99 at Summit Racing! Cam Signal - Green = Tooth Detected, below crank to run RPM (400RPM), Blue = Gap Detected, below crank to run RPM (400RPM), Red = Cam Error Detected, Off - Synced Properly. Hopefully I can get it to work. @Andrewb70: Did you guys have it set as PWM or PWM+ or something else? When I go to the setup screen on the Dakota Digital to get ready to drive 1 mile, my PPM number is already starting to go up before I move. The Holley EFI 7" Digital Dash is completely customizable with a variety of gauge and indicator screens that can be programmed to display any parameter you need. This is a Pulses Per Mile output signal, not PWM+/. [3] MAN #650588F Terminator, HP and Dominator EFI speed input setup, continued: If speed sensor is connected to Input #1 on J1A, pin A12 Using the Holley computer software, the Input #1 must be labeled as Speed. Thanks Holley. Pin Mapthe Output & connect it to your speedometer. Based on the user manual, this is a glorified holley sniper system for ls motors. This page was generated at 10:56 AM. Copyright 2022 Holley Performance Products, Inc. All right reserved. 7200rpm . Holley EFI Terminator X Max - Gen III 4.8/5.3/6.0 GM Truck Engines. Easy to mount on the road in minutes! Whether you're engine swapping your classic car or need to manage 4000 horsepower in your twin-turbocharged drag radial race car, Holley EFI has the solutions you need to get your project up and running better than ever! endobj 4 0 obj This video will show you its really pretty easy to run gauges on your Holley Terminator system. Terminator X and X Max Gen V LT Direct Injection Kits, NOTE: Terminator systems do not include fuel pump, fuel lines, regulator or filters. The BIM-01-2-HLLY is designed to read the engine information from the Holley Terminator (including X and X Max), HP, Sniper, or Dominator EFI kits.The BIM-01-2-HLLY module is a direct plug in using the supplied 2 or 4 pin harness for simple connection to the Holley EFI system. Allow you to identify any Critical engine issues at a glance. If so, the Holley GPS Module for our 7" Digital displays should be the next addition to your project vehicle. https://www.patreon.com/littlevictoryfabcoTuning line pressure and shift feel with a line pressure sensor. I've the read installation manual, quick start manual, and reference manual. Some parts are not legal for use in California or other states with similar regulations. In this video, Ray walks us through setting up I/O (inputs and outputs) to power fans, fuel pumps, transbrake, etc on Terminator X EFI. May God's grace bless you in the Lord Jesus Christ. Featuring a simple plug and play installation, this GPS Module will allow you to display vehicle speed on your digital dash, without needing any external sensor information. Magnetic base provides for multiple mounting solutions, 10hz Refresh rate for ultra-accurate real time speedometer output, Requires clear line of sight with the sky for satellite acquisition, Can only be used with 553-106 or 553-109 (comes supplied with 553-109). The easy to use lay out is simple and looks amazing in my classic muscle car. Overview. The manuals are available as an Adobe PDF file to view on-line or download and view/print later. In today's video, Ray from Holley Performance is going to take you through the steps of setting up your inputs and outputs to auxiliary components such as power fans, fuel pumps, and trans brakes, on Holley's Terminator X EFI system.. Digital Dash I/O Adapter with unterminated Vehicle Harness, Digital Dash I/O Adapter with terminated Vehicle Harness, Terminated Vehicle Harness For Digital Dash, Holley Sniper EFI Self-Tuning Master Kit - Shiny Finish, Digital Dash I/O Adapter w/Unterminated Vehicle Harness, Digital Dash I/O Adapter w/Terminated Vehicle Harness. Enter the correct Speed Calculation parameters (Tire Diameter & Rear Gear Ratio). The Holley EFI Digital Dash measures 7.5" wide, 4.625" tall, and 1" deep which makes it a compact, customizable dash for use in a variety of motorsports applications. All times are GMT-6. *The BIM-01-2-HLLY is designed to decode the information provided by the Holley Terminator (X and X MAX with BIM-01-2-HLLYproduced after 6/13/2019), Sniper (Sniper with BIM-01-2-HLLYproduced after 2/1/2018) HP and Dominator EFI'sand supply this information to the VFD3 rev. And get Free Shipping on Orders over $ 99 at Summit Racing obj... 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