And while we have a definition for when menopause ends, its much harder to calculate the average age when the menopause journey begins. But there can be a lot of other factors to deal with at this time career, finances, and family issues are just some of the plates you may have spinning right now. Primary ovarian insufficiency | POI. Youll likely reach menopause around the same age as your mother and, if you have any, sisters. Beyond recognizing and addressing issues such as increased cardiovascular disease risk and risks related to bone health, if a woman knows her age of menopause and how long the perimenopause transition will last, it could help her make important health decisions, says Faubion. What Is the Average Age for Menopause to Start? The medical definition of menopause is no menstrual bleeding for a year, according to Lauren Streicher, MD, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and the medical director of the Northwestern Center for Menopause and the Northwestern Center for Sexual Medicine in Chicago. Take the free quiz to discover your Menopause Type, learn how to feel better naturally (and lose weight). The association between stress level in daily life and age at natural menopause in Korean women: outcomes of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2010-2012. The typical range is from age 40 to 58, but it may begin even earlier. But while its easy to work out the average age of menopause, its more complicated to predict when it will happen for you. The ability to predict when menopause will occur could also help with managing menopause symptoms or deciding which type of birth control to use, adds Faubion. Because pregnancy puts menstruation and ovulation on pause, its been theorized that a high number of pregnancies may delay menopause, but the findings of a Norwegian study published in Human Reproductionin February 2020belie that assumption.,,,,, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, No One Warned Me About the Grief That Comes With a Hysterectomy, Michelle Obama and Menopause Symptoms: How She Fought Weight Gain and Hot Flashes. Over time this can lead to accrued wear and tear on ones body, known metaphorically as the weathering hypothesis. This finding is illustrative of how violence, both to oneself, but also to ones children, contributes to maternal allostatic load, accelerating their reproductive aging, says Dr. Foster. The average age of menopause is 51, and it does matter, in part because the timing of menopause can be predictive of other health issues, according toStephanie S. Faubion, MD, the director of the Office of Womens Health at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, and the medical director of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). Email to a Friend. "If youre over the age of 45 and skip at least three periods in a row, that tells us that youre going to move on to menopause relatively soon," Santoro says. Date accessed online: Web. Theres an overlap between people with these conditions and those who reach menopause before the average age of 51. Cigarette smoking and age of menopause: a large prospective study. How to handle headaches, night sweats, and more. Researchers and academics can contact Belinda here for more information. And however much we cant predict about menopause, were certain that the Peanut Community is there for you. 2022,, Hall JE. While menopause can cause some unwelcome symptoms, there are many treatments that can help. BMC Womens Health. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) occurs when the ovaries have stopped working prematurely. This means understanding the factors leading up to menopause may not be as accurate. Are there any natural ways to relieve my symptoms? The login page will open in a new tab. 2011;38(3):425-440. doi:10.1016/j.ogc.2011.05.002. Irregular periods, amenorrhea, and other menopause symptoms can also be signs of other health conditions, like hormonal problems, uterine problems, or an infection. I have sleep difficulties Never Often Always Wherever youre at in your menopause journey, three simple changes can change the future trajectory of menopause and its consequences. Menopause Age Calculator . Women who are concerned that they may have trouble conceiving or think they may experience menopause early and still want children should discuss options such as egg freezing with their doctor, says Streicher. McDowell, M. Journal of Adolescent Health, March 2007; vol 40: pp 227-231. American Cancer Society. There's no way to know your exact menopause age until it happens, but genetics seems to play a strong role. Genetic factors are believed to be the most significant influencing factors regarding the age of menopause and therefore account for up to 50% of the calculated result. How radiation therapy can affect the sex life of females with cancer. Put simply, if your mother went through menopause at 54, theres a decent chance youll also go through menopause at 54, plus or minus a year or two. Premature menopause is not common, occurring in only 1% of people under the age of 40. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. Other factors that help to predict menopause age. 2022,, Gold EB. Indian J Psychiatry. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can damage your ovaries and bring menopause forward by an average of 13 years. Body composition is the percentage of fat, muscles, bone and water in your body. Usually sometime in your 40s, you will begin the transition from your reproductive years to menopause. The frequency with which a woman has sex has also been correlated with early menopause. Factors associated with menstrual cycle irregularity and menopause. Is menopause around the corner? During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, get milder or go away. Thats why Im here to support you through the process of midlife change and make everything easy to understand. 589. The average age that menopause begins is 51, and most will experience menopause between the ages of 40 and 58 [1]. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Menopausal Symptoms May Be Linked to Cognitive Performance, Study Says, Study of Womens Health Across the Nation (SWAN), What Is Collagen? However, strenuous exercise over long periods can increase the stress hormones, which may be an influencing factor in earlier menopause. So you can start making the changes you need to feel better now and for many years to come. Studies show that exposure to environmental toxins may be associated with an earlier natural age of menopause. Menopause occurs after a person stops having their period for 12 consecutive months. Why You Might Have 2 Periods in One Month, Why Is My Period Late? Date accessed online: Web. Shifren J, Gass M. The North American Menopause Society recommendations for clinical care of midlife women. Take this quiz to assess your symptoms. Learn what experts recommend for thin hair, hair loss. Date accessed online: Web. Body weight might matter, though. While this is not the start of menopause, it is the start of your body beginning to change. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. The remaining 50% is influenced by physiological and lifestyle factors. When it comes to the menopause transition, whats the normal age, and more importantly, why does it matter? Menstrual changes, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, and other symptoms are the result of hormonal shifts that are taking place during this time, which is called perimenopause. There is still a lot more work to be done on studying the effects of fibre, phytoestrogens, fat and protein on the age of menopause. Easily view how long each cycle is directly on your menstrual cycle calendar (or period calendar). The authors concluded that the results question the assumption that interrupted ovulation during pregnancy delays menopause.. Menopause is a natural stage of life. (n.d.). Maturitas. The combination of your genetic, physiological and lifestyle factors has been used to estimate the age at which youll reach menopause i.e. If your maternal grandmother also had an early menopause, this is even more significant. After analyzing data on close to 300,000 women, investigators found that women with three childbirths had the highest average age at menopause, at 51.36 years old, and that women who had never given birth had the lowest, at an average of 50.55 years of age. For many women, by the time they realise whats going on with their body and hormones, they are well into perimenopause and not far away from menopause. As a result, several changes were made, including the weighting of the factors, to ensure more accurate estimations. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. You may follow what happened with your mother; if she went through menopause early or late, you may, too, she says. By age 37, approximately 25,000 remain. One such study, published online in April 2021 inMenopause, the journal of NAMS, looked at several aspects of womens health and lifestyle, while also controlling for different variables in an attempt to zero in on what could be influencing the timing of the transition. For example if you input the dates 03/15/2022 and 3/18/2022 . She already had two children, so the deep feeling of loss after her. Many women are surprised when they go through menopause in their forties because they think theyre too young, but its not unusual, says Dr. Streicher. Menopause Matters: BMI Calculator Diet, Exercise & Lifestyle: BMI Calculator Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator. Other than avoiding smoking, theres probably not much you can do to influence the age at which youll reach menopause. Where can I find more information about menopause. Menopause Test 5 minutes Suspect that you may be going through menopause? The quiz calculator is for all women with ongoing periods, who havent reached natural menopause yet. Another 2017 study found consuming high amounts of vitamin D and calcium may be linked to a lower risk of early menopause. 2015 Sep;44(3):485-96. One year without a menstrual period defines menopause. It will be easier and easier to add more changes as you feel better. The average age of menopause for people in the United States is 52. Perimenopause can also cause the following symptoms: Symptoms vary from woman to woman. Is this normal? has to be one of the most common questions posed to doctors about a host of health-related signs and symptoms, from the crackling sound your knees make when you take the stairs to the number of times your sleep is interrupted each night. Postmenopause is the time after you've been without a menstrual period for 12 months. Although maintaining good overall health is important for a variety of reasons, it wont necessarily translate to later menopause, says Streicher. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55.It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. Some dont need any treatment to relieve or manage their symptoms, while others who have more severe symptoms do need treatment. Many people confuse menopause with perimenopause. How many more years of fertility might you have, and how much longer will it be before you start experiencing the change?. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Read our. 20 Apr. Some medical organizations, such as the American Osteopathic Association, refer to perimenopause as reverse puberty in women. For each range, there are lifestyle considerations that can help you make good decisions for your future health. Most women experience menopause between age 40 and 58, and the average age at menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society. Your mother's age at menopause is a key factor, but not the only one. Sudden menopause from chemotherapy is less likely to occur in younger people. Menopause. The early onset of your first menstrual period has been associated with earlier menopause. "Most women go through menopause somewhere between the ages of 45 to 55, with the average being about age 51," says Liu. Date accessed online: Web. Even then, its difficult to know because every person is different. These factors have a significant impact on our health, hormones and wellbeing. If you arent sure whether the symptoms that you are experiencing are related to menopause or perimenopause, talk to your doctor. Period days are the days during which bleeding and discharge occur. This free, 60Second Quiz has helped 1,000's of women feel better and lose weight during menopause. The results shown for the various mixes of answers are subject to the combination of key factors, some of which are variable over time. Tell your healthcare provider about any menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, changes in periods, mood changes, or trouble sleeping. Premature menopause in young breast cancer: effects on quality of life and treatment interventions. The length of your cycles will start to vary and you'll begin to skip periods. Fatigue, poor sleep and feeling more stressed or anxious often follows. Menopause is the natural process that marks the end of your Period/Menstrual Cycle. Whereas diets higher in protein may lead to later menopause. What should I be doing to maintain my health? The menopausal transition can last between four to eight years, sometimes longer. Having a baby after age 35: how aging affects fertility and pregnancy, The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs, Menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause, Cigarette smoking and age of menopause: a large prospective study, Genetic variants predictive of reproductive aging are associated with vasomotor symptoms in a multiracial/ethnic cohort, Premature menopause in young breast cancer: effects on quality of life and treatment interventions. Menopause | Menopause age calculator? Remember, not one key factor alone will be responsible for the age of menopause. Hormonal changes usually begin with the start of perimenopause during your forties. Men can experience the discomfort of hot flashes just as menopausal women do. Many factors influence your result. By puberty, they have 300,000 to 500,000. That intergenerational violence accelerates reproductive aging should come as no surprise. 20 Apr. Being proactive about your hormonal health means youll be less likely to experience severe symptoms, making the menopausal transition easier and protecting your future health. Chemotherapy can also damage the ovaries. The other 50% is influenced by physiological and lifestyle factors. The estimated age range results of menopause are indicative and should be used as a guide only. Many women feel anxious and confused about the process of menopause and what to expect. 2018;18(1):36. After. Women.". Menopause can occur immediately or months later. However, it can happen between the 40s to 50s as well. However, after age 35, egg quality generally declines, and you may have a lower reserve of eggs. No matter when you experience natural menopause, your chances of getting pregnant after the age of 40 are low, says Faubion. From the age of 35 years onwards, our sex hormones start changing. While some symptoms (like hot flashes) are difficult to miss, others can be more ambiguous. Cleveland Clinic. All rights reserved. Cleveland Clinic. Former First Lady Michelle Obama opened up about her experiences with menopause and hormone replacement therapy. There is a range of what is considered typical in terms of when menopause can start, and the symptoms and stages that each person experiences will be different. Menopause that occurs before age 40 is called premature menopause. Many women dont realise that these symptoms are a sign that their hormones are changing (you can learn more about this here: stages and symptoms of menopause). Note: A special thank you to Ellen B. Menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause. While laboratory tests are not usually necessary to diagnose menopause, your doctor may test the number of hormones in your blood. 2022,, Tamakoshi A, Kawado M, Ozasa K, Tamakoshi K, Lin Y, Yagyu K, Kikuchi S, Hashimoto S. Impact of smoking and other lifestyle factors on life expectancy among japanese: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Date accessed online: Web. Researchers continue to explore a number of factors that may influence the timing of menopause. It is not for women whove experienced early or premature menopause (defined as periods stopping before the age of 45) ormedically induced menopause. Its thought that this chronic stress buildup can impact the release of certain hormones and potentially suppress the immune system. Some cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can also lead to medical menopause, which can be temporary or permanent. Until you have gone 12 months without having a period, it is still possible that you could ovulate. To make things more complicated, some people go through early menopause. Nanette Santoro, MD, director, division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility, the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine, Denver. Experiencing menopause at 40 to 45 years of age is called early menopause, and that occurs in about 5 to 7 percent of the population, so its safe to say that at least 7 percent of women are going to go through menopause early or prematurely, says Faubion. Dietary intake and age at natural menopause: Results from the UK Womens Cohort Study. baked goods, fried foods, margarine) and processed carbohydrates have been associated with earlier menopause. 2011;38(3):425-440. For example, diet, physical activity, and stress. Additionally, you might skip a month or two between cycles. Please log in again. 29 Sep. 2022., Sapre S, Thakur R. Lifestyle and dietary factors determine age at natural menopause. Reproductive hormones and the menopause transition. Most of the time, the cause of POI is unknown. The symptoms of menopause are the same as perimenopause, except that you no longer have a period. Endocrinology of the Menopause. After menopause, youll no longer be able to get pregnant. Studies have shown that women who use oral contraceptives (the pill) may experience a later age of natural menopause. On the other hand, certain factors like heavy smoking, stress and toxins are bad for your hormonal health and your ovaries and can affect the quality of your eggs. However, there is a wide range during which someone could begin menopause. Alcohol, caffeine and smoking in relation to age at menopause. What makes it extra tricky is that entering menopause isnt like flipping a switch. The lifestyle choices we make during our forties and fifties may affect the severity of our symptoms, the age of menopause and how fast our body ages. Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune problems,thyroid issues, andlupus, can make a woman go through menopause earlier, Streicher adds. J Epidemiol. Many women are surprised when they go. Menopause, sometimes called the change of life, happens when a woman stops having monthly periods. This phase can last for months or years, and usually starts when youre in your mid-to-late 40s. The results are easy-to-understand, and your estimated age of menopause will fall into one of three groups: The Menopause Age Calculator will also help you to understand how different lifestyle choices can influence when menopause will occur and the impact this has on your future health. Menopause is a natural part of aging. Some women reach menopause at an unusually early age -- before 45 or so -- with no known cause, which could be the result of an inherited issue or a one-time genetic mutation. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. If you reach menopause before age 40, that is considered premature menopause, says Faubion. menopause age calculator | FEMELIFE menopause age calculator Menopause: The Natural Decline Of Fertility In Female Leave a Comment / Women Health Menopause appears when the ovaries have no longer release an egg every month and menstruation ceases to occur in women above 40 years. 29 Sep. 2022., Kinney A, Kline J, Levin B. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 50 and 52 years. Tracking your menstrual cycle and symptoms can help you and your healthcare provider identify if you are in any stage of menopause. Some chronic illnesses (like an (over- or underactive thyroid) can affect the balance of hormones in your body. 2022,, Choi BO, Lee YJ, Choi JH, Cho SW, Im HJ, An JE. 2017;56(4):482-486. Date accessed online: Web. Its time to rethink your lifestyle choices. I have hot flashes or night sweats Never Often Always 3. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Of these egg cells, ovulation will release only 300 to 400 eggs during a persons lifetime. Date accessed online: Web. Fertil Steril. These levels fluctuate, so these tests may need to be tracked over time. If youre already postmenopausal, the good news is that there is still a lot you can do to naturally improve your symptoms and protect your future health. Date accessed online: Web. The age when you reach menopause is down to a complicated mix of your genes, lifestyle, and medical history. National Library of Medicine. 2022,, Santoro N, Randolph JF Jr. Its simply about making a lifestyle change. Premature or early menopause can occur at any age and, in many cases, there's no clear cause. The average age of perimenopause onset is 45. Even if your periods come back again after such a serious illness, theres a good chance that menopause will happen earlier. Family history and genetic factors play a role in when you may begin menopause and may also predict which symptoms you will experience. Experts reveal what factors influence the timing of the menopausal transition and why it matters. Perimenopause is the stage when a woman begins to transition into menopause. Some factors that can lead to premature menopause include: In your forties, your fertility continues to decline. Addressing the issue will require multiple sectors, including social change, policy and education, adds Faubion. Women with shorter menstrual cycles, defined as less than 25 days, are more likely to reach menopause early than women with normal-length cycles (26 to 34 days), according to a study of 634 women published inMenopauseon August 23, 2022. Committee Opinion No. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Several other factors influence the natural age of menopause, but due to the lack of evidence, these havent been included in the calculator. Blood levels of FSH will increase as a person's ovaries begin to shut down. Although the age at which you enter menopause is somewhat predetermined by genetics, there is a lot you can do to support your hormonal health, manage your symptoms and possibly delay the onset of natural menopause. Most women experience menopause between age 40 and 58, and the average age at menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society. 20 Apr. If you are currently not having periods, but it has not yet been 12 full months, you might be in menopause, but you cannot be sure until you have gone a full year without having a period. Period calendar ) there is a key factor, but it may begin even earlier Lady Michelle Obama up... Earlier menopause menstrual period has been associated with earlier menopause include: in your mid-to-late.. How many more years of fertility might you have any, sisters advice, diagnosis treatment! 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