The spring (Hilary) term consists primarily of an extended experience at the same school. The subject naturally lends itself to a huge range of student learning activities, both in the classroom and in the field, and most interns find this diversity one of its attractions. The scholarship is only tenable at Brasenose College but all eligible applicants will be considered, regardless of which college (if any) you state as your preference. Scroll to see replies 1 2 Reply 1 2 years ago A Chazz2021 Hi, I applied for the History PGCE on the 26th October, but haven't heard anything apart from the confirmation email, when abouts did you apply? Learning to be a teacher will be all of these things too. You could also draw on experience in different settings such as youth clubs or playgroups, where relevant. For more information please see this website. Whatever you decide, it wont affect how the academic department assesses your application and whether they decide to make you an offer. The Oxford PGCE appealed to me because of the structure and the initial emphasis on theory, the Ofsted rating and I enjoyed the interview process. Student teachers are known as interns during the PGCE course. If you have never been directly involved with a safeguarding issue in school, be honest and demonstrate, instead, your understanding of the issues involved. There are two interrelated course components: curriculum subject work and the professional development programme. If this is not possible then observing elements of UK teaching outside of the UK (for example, International GCSE lessons) is also highly relevant. Before the interview, study the school or providers website and any other literature that may be available, familiarising yourself with aspects such as: Think about what makes you a good fit for this particular training provider, using examples from your work experience, academic life or extracurricular activities to demonstrate how your values and objectives align with theirs. You will be expected to travel regularly between home, the department and partnership schools. What was the last film you watched Mk. To find out more, follow this link: In addition, Jesus graduates within fee liability are able to apply for the Book Grant. Couldnt find your answers under our FAQ section? Once you have received decisions from all of your chosen training providers, you will have 10 working days to reply to any invitations to interview. Planning and management (PM): in which you look at planning and managing lessons, classrooms, professional work and yourself. Our course will help you to become an effective and confident teacher by providing you with the following: Assessment of your progress and achievements are jointly carried out by your schools and the university, and you take part in informal and formal discussions about this. You do not need to contact an academic member of staff in the department prior to submitting your application. PGCE training courses typically prepare graduates for teaching a specific age group, such as early years and primary school children or secondary school students. I always overthink things to the point where its ruining my days, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, She's unable to commit but wants to see me still, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023. Students may be eligible for external sources of funding, but these are entirely independent from the University of Oxford. For example, they can investigate Open University modules in the study of religion or through an on-line RE subject knowledge booster course in conjunction with Culham St Gabriels (visit theTeach RE website). You will be able to make a real difference to pupils, fostering their learning of the important issues which shape the future. Your interviewer will be looking for evidence of a wide range of skills and competencies. Interns developing practice as a teacher is reviewed at regular intervals, in three-way meetings between the curriculum tutor, mentor and intern, informed by a wide range of evidence and ultimately assessed against the standards for Qualified Teacher Status. Religious Education Get an experienced Oxbridge Interview and Preparation tutor and prepare in the best way possible for your Oxbridge Interview. tuition fee loan of up to 9,250 to cover your teacher training, so you do not need to pay course fees upfront, maintenance loan to help with living costs, the view that the creative, imaginative and expressive aspects of the subject have a key role in pupils learning, the view that English teachers should write for pleasure, read widely for enjoyment and participate in cultural events in their school and in the wider community, the view that English teachers should share their experiences as writers, readers, speakers and listeners with their pupils, the understanding that writing is a practice that covers a wide range of processes, functions, rhetorical situations, and categories of discourse, a broad view of what constitutes text and the understanding that technological innovation can change both what is considered as text, how text is prepared and how it may be interpreted, the importance of literature in the development and understanding of human cultures and in personal, social and ethical development, the importance of diversity in reading practices and the value of a range of interpretative approaches to texts, an understanding of the English language at word, sentence and text level, a belief that English, as a subject, involves the development of social relationships and collaborative work, the inter-relationship of speaking, listening, reading and writing. University tutors and guest specialists lead the University-based components of the professional development programme intended to develop an understanding of educational policy and of whole-school and cross-curricular issues. Teaching on the PGCE course is strongly informed by the mathematics education research which takes place in the Department, some of which is undertaken collaboratively with partner schools. Curriculum Studies in Religious Education is underpinned by close partnership with Religious Education Departments in a range of Oxford schools. SKE courses give students the opportunity to improve their knowledge before the PGCE starts. Application success: we accepted 1 in 3 applications, 8% of our students had previously studied at Oxford, 37% of our students had never studied at a Russell Group University before, Highest qualification: Undergraduate: 72%; Masters: 27%;PhD: 1%, enable interns to become fully integrated into one school over a long period, enable interns to learn about their own teaching in the context of the wider school, rather than focusing initially on their own classroom and only later widening their view, allow schools to offer coherent and challenging professional development programmes over the course of the long placement, and in the short placement focus on preparation for continuing professional development, enable school-based tutors to see interns development from the start of the course to a position of competence. Successful completion of the examined assignments at master's level carries 60 M-level credits, which may be built upon to achieve a full master's degree. Therefore we will not expect knowledge across all traditions and will instead begin the process of enhancing this subject knowledge and its classroom applications. Oxford History Applicants 2023 - Undergraduate & Postgraduate. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges. Emphasis is also placed on religion across the curriculum, notably religion and the arts / literature, religion and history, religion and politics, religion and science. This should be easier than talking about an unsuccessful lesson, but remember to give specifics rather than a broad-brush answer. When planning your finances for any future years of study in Oxford beyond 2023-24, it is suggested that you allow for potential increases in living expenses of 5% or more each year although this rate may vary significantly depending on how the national economic situation develops. The curriculum programme is organised around six broad themes: In school you will be involved in all aspects of a teachers role. Key competencies such as empathy, strong communication skills and the ability to present information effectively to a range of audiences will all come into play here. I always overthink things to the point where its ruining my days, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, She's unable to commit but wants to see me still, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023. offer interns the opportunity to encounter a new school context at a time of the course when they are ready to make critical comparisons. Teacher training bursaries or scholarships vary depending on the subject you train to teach and your qualifications prior to starting the PGCE course. Our PGCE offers you excellent career prospects. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Try to think about examples that would be most relevant to the training programme youre applying for. No regrets, I love it!" Katie Jones, English . If you are offered two interviews on the same day, contact one of the training providers to see if you can rearrange. So, before the interview, make sure you have a clear idea of a teachers role and how this applies to the school you are applying to train with. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study. JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy', Does cerave moisturizer have hyaluronic acid, 236020 - Home Office Various EO roles (900 posts), Official Dental Hygiene and Therapy (Oral Health Science) 2023 Entry Thread, Oxford Postgraduates: MSc Energy Systems 2023. Interns are also able to make use of the IT facilities of their college. Optional classes are open to all interns. We typically set SKE courses where students have been outside of formal education for a significant period, or when they have studied a subject related to the area that they wish to complete a PGCE in. offer rate . Tutors on the course, who have many years of classroom teaching experience as well as teacher training experience, will guide you and support you in this exciting but challenging process. Applicants may be eligible for a bursary if they have an Honours degree graded at a 1st, 2:1 or 2:2, or if they hold a higher qualification (such as a Masters or PhD). History A successful interview will secure your place on your chosen PGCE Post Compulsory course. You will only have to make loan repayments once youre earning. It is not possible to take this course through distance learning. University of Oxford acceptance rates and statistics for PGCE History for the years 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. . Some of the areas that you are looking at, like accommodation, formals and so on will be college dependent rather than comparable by university. School placements are allocated by your tutor and would depend on a schools capacity for subject specialisms, your circumstances (e.g. History 42% . You might also talk about a teacher of your own who you found particularly inspiring and explain why. The English programme has been developed with colleagues from our partnership schools and is based upon the following core principles: In addition, the programme covers the key professional skills of: English teaching in England is subject to continuous change and development. The interview is designed to assess your academic abilities and, most importantly, your academic potential. As an applicant for teacher training you can obtain the Statement of Comparability for free. PGCE Science student, Jacob, gets a big hug from one of the snakes during an end-of-term reptile science lab visit! As an applicant for teacher training you can obtain the Statement of Comparability for free. Phone: +44 (0)1865 274020 or 274058 In all cases we review both your academic history and your attitudes towards teaching. During the Covid-19 pandemic we prioritised the safety of our students and staff. Rather than attempt to train all interns to teach in a particular way, we aim to build on your existing strengths as good scientists and as mature, autonomous, motivated personalities to help you teach in the way most suited to you and your school students. PGCE: prestige of university or 11-18 age group? Reply 2 2 years ago A Olyy2021 OP Geography International qualifications viewed as comparable to qualifications taken within the UK are accepted for the PGCE. PGCE students who are accepted by The Queens College can apply for this scholarship which is a contribution of 3,500 towards course fees. The non-selective, state-funded schools are all located in easy travelling distance across Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties. As of October 2021, 90% were employed as a teacher or seeking teaching roles. Here, the interviewer wants to get an idea of how you work as a teaching professional. Prepare a couple of examples of where a lesson didnt go to plan and focus on what you would do differently with hindsight and how your performance as a teacher has improved as a result. Your answer should also show awareness of relevant school policies and how you have applied them, an understanding of effective techniques to manage childrens learning, and a sense of accountability for students progress. A successful application leads to a teaching interview invite from Oxford Brookes University. offer rate . You will be asked to complete a subject-specific written task and your. We have a real passion for history and young people and are looking for candidates that share this passion. We do set SKEs as conditions of offers. Additional training is offered on National Curriculum Citizenship, along with expertise at the interface of education, security and intelligence studies. Our course looks to support successful history teaching based on the use of engaging and rigorous historical enquiries that link substantive historical knowledge with critical historical thinking. The scholarship covers course fees and provides a grant for living costs. As the situation evolves it is hard to discuss the precise measures that will be in place for September 2022. Ideally, they should also hold at least an A level (or equivalent) in any other foreign language offered. Accommodation is not guaranteed for any student, but there are plenty of options to explore. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. Report PGCE . Oxford PGCE realistic entry requirements Hi! The Oxford Internship scheme, as the PGCE programme is known at the University, is a one-year, full-time course of teacher education for graduates, involving a close partnership between the University department and local comprehensive schools. This might include lesson planning or classroom organisation or observations about how students learn. Watch student, Daniel, give his account of the PGCE Geography course. The Professional Tutor responsible for interns at the school co-ordinates school based activities related to general educational issues, called the school professional development programme. Student Ye-Ye Xu (French with Mandarin 2020-21) discusses her PGCE experiences in this podcast. MMath DPhil Msc(Res) Mathematics 48% . At Oxford you can train to become a secondary school teacher with one of the following specialism; English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Modern Foreign Languages or Science (biology, Chemistry or Physics). If you are moving to Oxford for the first time we suggest that you seek accommodation as centrally as possible, because you will then have access to more public transport options and thus can be considered for placements within more partnership schools. For the 2023-24 academic year, the range of likely living costs for full-time study is between c. 1,290 and 1,840 for each month spent in Oxford. Some of the key skills you will need to show during a teacher training interview include: In addition to these key skills, your interviewer will also be looking for: When answering questions at the teacher training interview, you should do your best to personalise your response, so research the school or provider interviewing you beforehand. Applicants who are not native speakers of the main foreign language they are offering are required to hold a degree in which 50% or more of the topics studied relate to the main language. Although strongly encouraged school experience is not a condition for the Oxford PGCE. A scholarship award will replace a government teacher training bursary. Please note that college and colleges refers to all 45 of the Universitys colleges, including those designated as Permanent Private Halls (PPHs). Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). All PGCE students are normally expected to live within 25 miles of Oxfords city centre. These activities include lectures in the University, weekly seminars in school and an assignment focused on a specific aspect of schooling of the interns own choice. What was the last film you watched Mk. Above all, students respond to teachers who are passionate and motivated, so it is important to include evidence of these in your answer. Throughout the PGCE students experience two partnership schools, when your second school placement is decided the University department also consider your experience so far on the course and the developmental priorities that have emerged. Below we set out 10 of the questions you are most likely to encounter at your PGCE interview and provide some hints and tips on answering them. Between the two mainstream school placements, you will also spend one week in a special school or specialist base, developing your knowledge of effective approaches for young people with special educational needs or disabilities, so helping you to teach in more inclusive ways. Students could receive all three types of funding: tuition fee loan, maintenance grant and a teacher training bursary/scholarship. For some courses, the department or faculty may have provided some additional advice below to help you to decide. It follows that, by the end of the course, you should: The course consists of an integrated programme of lesson observations, school-based activities, teaching and reflection in school and university workshops, lectures, tutorials and fieldwork. Which Uni courses don't require high A-Level grades? This is not the time to be modest or self-effacing. Students in this position should wait until they have accepted an offer to study on the Oxford PGCE and should then contact Get Into Teaching on 0800 389 2500, as a teacher training applicant you can obtain the Statement of Comparability for free (this usually costs 49.50 plus VAT). Students may be eligible for external sources of funding, but these are entirely independent from the University of Oxford. The colleges accepting students on the PGCE vary according to the subject: Applications for all PGCE courses are made via the UK Government's GOV.UK website. In addition to your course fees, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course. So, make sure you are up-to-date with the news and be prepared to talk about a few current topics. Students in this position should contact Get Into Teaching on 0800 389 2500. opportunities to observe other practitioners in the classroom and to understand their decision making; insight into theories and findings from research into Second Language Acquisition, helping you to understand how adolescents learn a modern language in a classroom setting; opportunities to learn from school students themselves about their experiences of language learning and the barriers they encounter; opportunities to learn from, and share good practice with, other beginning teachers working in different school contexts; practical advice on: the preparation, teaching and evaluation of languages lessons; how to assess and monitor students progress; promoting positive behaviour for learning; and responding to the diverse needs of individual students; opportunities to try out and systematically evaluate a range of teaching approaches in a range of classrooms over an extended period of time; many ideas for using and adapting a range of modern language materials in the classroom. During your preparation, ensure you have plenty of specific examples from your education, work or school experience to support your answers. We welcome applications from candidates who have studied Religious Studies, Theology or Biblical Studies. All the information you need should be included in the invitation to interview, so make sure you read through it carefully. But dont make the mistake of claiming that nothing has ever gone wrong in your lessons. Both the bursary and scholarship are tax-free and are paid via monthly instalments directly into your UK bank account whilst you study. Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. Arrive at the interview well-rested, on time and smartly dressed. Students cannot hold a teacher training bursary and a scholarship. The learning is structured through workshops, seminars, discussions, focussed assignments, school-based activities and sympathetic, expert, supervision and support. If you are a PGCE student on either of these courses then you do not need to be eligible for student finance to apply for a bursary or scholarship. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made in circumstances of a pandemic (including Covid-19), epidemic or local health emergency. Although you would need to apply for one of the course options listed above, we would try where possible to give you opportunities to work with learners of all the languages you offer. Apply through the Department for Educations new site. Top 5 Teacher Training PGCE Interview Questions and Answers The Complete Guide to Everything 73.7K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share Save 52K views 2 years ago Have you been invited to an. The numbers of interns going into teaching at the end of the course is high with most interns having secured a teaching post in a state-maintained school. In the University, you will work with the other geography interns, and with the geography education tutors. Honours classification would be competitive but is not essential when applying for the PGCE, however it will be essential for any teacher training bursary or scholarship application. In exceptional circumstances a scholarship may be awarded to a graduate with a 2:2 Honours degree and significant relevant experience. You'll receive an interview date invite. The course begins with an orientation experience in September in both a primary and secondary school of your choice. Students cannot receive a bursary and a scholarship. Your teaching interview will be remote (online). The STAR technique would be useful here to help structure a clear and convincing answer. Watch partnership school Professional Tutor, Rob, give his account of how he supports PGCE Interns, Watch Ex PGCE Intern, Liz, talk about her experience as a teacher in one of our partnership schools, Watch Ex PGCE Intern, Ross, talk about his experience as a teacher in one of our partnership schools, Watch Ex PGCE Intern, May, talk about her experience as a teacher in one of our partnership schools. BA MSt MPhil DPhil. At Oxford, interns are prepared to teach in secondary schools (11-19 age range) in one of the following subjects: The programme has been developed with colleagues from Oxfordshire partnership schools and covers the key professional skills of: This is a full-time course which will involve travel to your placement school, although most partnership schools do lie within the Oxfordshire county boundaries. That contains interview advice/guidance and example questions. The aim of the Mathematics course is to help you to become an effective secondary school teacher of mathematics. PGCE Science student, Euan, has discovered a natural bond with reptiles in our end-of-term reptile science lab visit. This is a chance to discuss how you have formed good working relationships with your students, parents and carers, as well as how you have worked with other staff as part of a team. Your interviewer will be looking for evidence of a wide range of skills and competencies. Find ways to include what you know in your answers. The idea of subject is central to the design of the course and we encourage you to engage critically with ongoing policy and academic debates about what kinds of geographies are fit for a 21st century education system. There are no formal application deadlines for the PGCE at the University of Oxford. There is a unique opportunity for candidates on any of our Modern Language PGCE courses to develop some expertise in Mandarin Chinese during their PGCE year with the aim of teaching this language at beginner lever in the future. Watch Lead PGCE Science Tutor, Dr Judith Hillier, tell us about the main PGCE Science course, Watch student, Ed, give us his account of the PGCE Physics course, Watch student, Rebecca, give us her account of the PGCE Chemistry Course. The interview process varies from programme to programme some providers may have a two-stage process, some may set a written assessment and some may require you to do some preparatory work, such as a presentation or teaching task. Barts and the London (QMUL) A100 2023 Entry, Start sixth form a year later at 17 (helppp). However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment. The greater part of the autumn (Michaelmas) termis made up of 'joint weeks', in which time is spent both in your first placement school and at the Department of Education. All graduate students at Oxford belong to a department or faculty and a college or hall (except those taking non-matriculated courses). You will be asked to complete a subject-specific written task and your interview will normally be with a relevant subject tutor from the University and a subject mentor from one of our partnership schools. Upon accepting your offer to study you can select your preferred colleges from a list of available institutions, or you can choose to not state a preference. Talking about your failures or setbacks in an interview can feel scary, and the impulse is often to go on the defensive. Modern Languages Interviews - Oxford University Alternative Prospectus Modern Languages Interviews The best place to start is Oxford's official information on preparing for interviews. 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