Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. You can still be and call yourself an independent. We need prophetic challenge from outside politics but believe we also need to redress the balance and have Christians on the inside, on the spot when events happen. Schmidt, Steffen. Partisan identification in the US, polls only weakly correlated to voter registration. The drawbacks to being an independent contractor include more responsibility. @user4012 no the state always votes maryland. Or purged entirely. You won't get hit by lightning. 8 Ways To Be Physically Distant But Socially Connected, My Problem With How We Worship Being Single, 5 Emotional Games We Need To Stop Playing, Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isnt Looking Great. They totally registered. Over to you what are your views on independence? But the good news is that there's still time to fix your registration. Open new opportunities for you to try - different and new things that you are being hindered when you are in your parents' house. At the end of that time, the event planner must submit a list of vendors hired, an expense report itemizing the costs, receipts for payments made; and the marketing materials developed. Over 60,000 Democrats in Brooklyn alone disappeared from the voter rolls. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, They are paid by the project, not by the hour, week, or month, They work with their own tools and equipment, not those supplied by the company who hires them, They are free to perform work for other businesses, They are free to work at a location and during hours of their choosing (although clients can give independent contractors deadlines for completing the work), They can employ subcontractors for all or part of the work (unless their contract with the hiring firm says otherwise). Thanks again for your writings. BTW, the concept of super-delegates in D convention was specifically designed to address the concern of electing Mondale-like "party hardcore favorites" in the primaries. Many of Sanders' supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. Political parties are able to draw on resources, financial as well as volunteers, to support a campaign and these resources may not be available to an Independent. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. How good is it when people are so free in their own life that they dont just have enough for them whether it be finances, emotions, time, or otherwise but they have enough to give to others? They can use their own methods for completing the work, and don't have to follow an employer's instructions for how the work is done. After Sanders suspension, online forums and social media exploded with political disagreement. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton described the long lines to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch: "Throughout the county, but especially in Phoenix, thousands of citizens waited in line for three, four, and even five hours to vote.". If you're considering pursuing being an occupational therapist, here are benefits: Job security The Trump kids aren't the only ones who weren't up to speed on what they needed to do to make sure they could vote in the NY primary on April 19th. Moving on to the pros and cons besides maybe the first one being that Independents cant vote in some primaries. Pro #1: It usually means you can take of yourself I think it's great that we learn to stand on our own two feet. Being totally independent of party you can vote for anyone you want to without feeling like you committed adultery. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? What are the obligations/duties of "a Democrat" vs an independent? One of the main reasons given by Independent candidates for participating outside the traditional political parties is that it gives them greater freedom to speak their minds, as they are not constrained by the official position of a political party. An unscientific observation: New Yorkers who are concerned about being disenfranchised by voter roll problems and by the closed primary system appear to be more likely to be Bernie Sanders supporters. We honour all those who are willing to invest time and energy in the political process. PRO: Your Income Potential is Unlimited. So last time it was just a general overview on my topic and my opinion on some of the issues that come up within party politics. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. But if we use independence in the right way, we can ensure our lives are being taken care of, and also extend to help others. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? As you get older, youre trying to find your footing in other areas, like friendships, education, dressing yourself. So if you're an independent who's been following the campaigns and recently made up your mind -- you're left out. If you're the adventurous, entrepreneurial type, then working as an independent contractor might be a greatcareer choice for you. The majority of registered voters are actually independent. Those candidates are the ones that eventually go onto higher office. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for insurance agents was over $52,000 in 2020. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Arizona already had their primary on March 22nd. However, there are drawbacks to being an independent contractor as well. Ive worked on a number of software development projects in a number of different organizations state and federal government agencies, larger companies, and even those smaller projects on the side. Right now, independents can certainly run, but they face a low likelihood of winning as they're labeled "spoilers" who will make it harder for the similar, mainstream candidate to win a race. You clearly recognize your bias, and that is not a bad thing, but you need to make sure that your bias doesnt alienate your readers (calling non-Independents lazy). , 21 Nov. 2017, classroom.synonym.com/states-use-open-primary-election-14094.html. Glad you enjoyed reading through and hope you had enough coffee to go with it. Regardless of the label, all are essentially the same in practice, including a self-employed designation when it comes to U.S. tax purposes. You shouldnt be goaded into voting for someone who you dont believe supports your politics. With the 2020 election, we have begun to see more than two parties. As an independent myself, I think the biggest pro is that you lose the affiliation with a party. It is required to be registered as that party to vote in that primary unless they are open primaries, which some states have. Many closed primary advocates say political parties are like clubs, and you should have to be a member of the club to vote for its leader. Socially Liberal but Fiscally Conservative, Advocacy Ideas/ Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Abuse, Party Politics: We Need Education Reformation on Civic Life. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Zip Recruiters puts the average pay for independent insurance agents at a heartier $97,996. Portero, Ashley. For Californians who mistakenly registered with AIP, here's the bad news: For Republicans, it's a closed primary, so only registered Republicans can vote for a GOP candidate. Here are three different problems going on in 3 different states. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? We no longer have left and right, blue and red, Democrats and conservatives, but rather three parties, with progressives and socialists forming their own sphere. Theres a reason why more and more people have shifted over to being registered as an independent voter in the wake of the last several elections. Some of the disadvantages of being a 1099 employee include you must fund 100% of your Medicare and Social Security taxes, health insurance, retirement savings, as well as any tools and equipment needed for your profession. A voter should not have to feel that way. ", Internal Revenue Service. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Massive voter fraud stems from the independents ;), There's the old Chicago saying, "Vote Early, Vote Often.". (John Morton/Flickr). A wave of disappointment washed over democratic voters after Al Gore won the candidacy in 2000, and again in 2016 with Clinton, and its happening again with Biden this year. Pros and Cons of Being an Independent Contractor An independent contractor is defined by the method of compensation. And sometimes these can be great. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. HuffPost's top politics stories, straight to your inbox. I do have to make a critique, however. (There are actually two different physical ballots, one for each party.) Are there advantages to my being registered as an independent in the US? When many people expressed distaste toward voting for Biden over Trump, choosing instead to withhold their vote or vote third party, they were met with a barrage of Democratic supporters repeating the same phrase: V. When voters in 2016 were surveyed on why they supported their specific candidate, Clinton or Trump, : I dont like either, but Im voting for the lesser evil., There is something inherently problematic about voting for a candidate that doesnt back policies you support, expresses behavior that you find inappropriate or undesirable and may not even support your existence solely. Among the 50 states, our children came in last in education. On top of that, millions of New Yorkers say they didn't miss the deadline. Are there any other pros to being independent? Most states are known to lean more toward a given party whether it be Democratic or Republican. "Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? Is voting worth trading your moral or ethical stance for? Here are three different problems going on in 3 different states. If an individual receives a steady paycheck and is on an employer's payroll, definitely the person is an employee and not an independent contractor. Courts and governments use a variety of tests to determine when a worker can be classified as an independent contractor. Many of Sanders supporters felt his chances at the presidency had been smeared and interfered with by liberal media and fellow former Democratic presidential candidates. April 19th, 2016 is a busy day for poll workers in NY. (Wikimedia Commons). List of the Pros of the Catalan Independence Vote and Referendum. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? The concept of a bipartisan system is flawed. Independent candidates in national elections often focus on a single issue, or a narrow range of issues. Anyway, Independent candidates are a great way of getting people who are more interested in single-issue politics out to vote. (East Herts People.) Therefore feeling disenfranchised (denied of their right to vote). The tendency of my state's voting doesn't really have anything to do with my independent views? Unlike employees, who are told what to do and how to do it by their employers, independent contractors can set their own rules. Why should they have to vote for anyone? While that may cut down on contacts from campaigns that are only using government-supplied voter data, larger/more sophisticated campaigns can use. Independent contractors must fund 100% of their Medicare and Social Security taxes, health insurance, and retirement. In many cases, there are areas of your life where no one else has been there to look after you. (East Herts People.). Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? The aim of Christians in Politics is to reverse this trend, and wherever possible to do so via relational engagement in parties as this is where most policy and decisions are made. Many Christians who participate in politics and public life make a decision to join a political party, even though they dont agree with every policy position that party takes. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. But you should know there are a lot of local elections by which you could have a larger impact. Another one that kind of plays on our pride a bit. Because in all our previous experience, weve just risen above it and learned to make do. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. There is no stigma to being independent. For this governor's race, consider being independent of party. Politics are not black and whiteelections shouldnt just be about blue versus red, left versus right, Democrats versus Republicansbut about how much we as people are willing to put forward change in this country. Maybe you had to learn to cook at a younger age because someone else wasnt able to do it for you. It's important when considering independent contract work to understand the pros and cons of working as an independent contractor. While employers don't need to pay taxes and social contributions, the duty thus falls on the contractor. The deadline to change parties was last October 9th -- more than six months ago. In that sense I figured that the mere act of being registered as an independent may affect the vote, because the more of us independents out there the more likely candidates would moderate their platform to recognize the needs of that swing-vote demographic and stick to more centralist policies. They offer an alternative to the usual parties we see so heavily in the media these days. It gives me an image of independents sneaking in to voting booths with a bunch of different silly costumes to vote 10 times an election :), Didn't you know? If you need to flag this entry as abusive. To help you network, gain expertise, and receive discounts on insurance and other self-employment expenses, consider joining professional organizations such as the National Association for the Self-Employed. Independent voters in numerous states are struggling with the system. Earlier we discussed some of the benefits of working as an independent contractor, like setting your own hours and making your own rules. Choosing to go independent can offer you a significant amount of flexibility in running your business. The freedom and ability to challenge the status quo is an important function of the democratic process. You might earn more as an independent contractor, and the tax benefits can include deducting your business expenses. Advantages of being an independent contractor over being an employee include more control since you're your own boss. More than just the physical things, youre usually pretty dedicated towards working through things and not letting things keep you down. The way you are taxed and the forms you file differ depending on the business entity you've chosen. ICs who have formed a corporation file a separate corporate tax return. 1. We fight for our right to do it on our own, but is it always a good thing? Pros of moving out. Federal and state laws describe the situations in which a worker can properly be classified as an IC. Advantages: Far harder to exclude people. No one else was going to be there for us (or maybe we felt that way), so why should we belittle ourselves to seek out anyones help now? . It seems primaries are won by being the one that your hard-core party types like the best, which is not always the same as being the one that stands the best chance of actually becoming president. Progressives and independents are told a vote for the third party is a vote for Trump, or any other Republican or majority candidate. The IRS provides Form 1040 ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, to help you determine if you are required to pay quarterly taxes and the amount you should pay. Something thats good about having the right balance of independence is that if youre on top of your own issues, youre more free to look after others. @jbouie No, we chose to have a system where if you don't belong to 1 of 2 major parties your voice is diminished. How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is not one of them. But there were problems. @chrislhayes explains why Ivanka Trump is right about voting in NY - it's a disaster. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Being a registered voter in Pennsylvania makes me want to be registered under a party so I can vote in the primaries. Yet others simply feelthey can get more done, unhindered in their work. This is affecting 27% of the electorate in a state with a lot of delegates to award in both major party races. In general, independent contractors are required to report income or losses from their business on IRS Schedule C, and they report Social Security and Medicare taxes on Schedule SE (Form 1040 or 1040-SR ), Self-Employment Tax. Here are 6 pros and cons of being independent. Being an independent contractor has its advantages over being an employee. Independence means being strong enough in our own career and purposethat we know well always somewhat be well equipped for the challenges of life. If I were registered Republican or Democrat, I could at least vote in the primaries, and in so doing have a say on which candidates are chosen to compete for the presidency, but as an independent I am not allowed to vote in either sides primaries. Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? And now there's a lawsuit over this issue. Another difference between employees and ICs is that employees receive wages or salaries subject to withholding taxes like federal income tax. Ability to choose clients While hospital or agency administrators might assign their case managers a list of patients to work with, independent case managers can choose their own client list based on their areas of specialty and desired work amount. Unlike W-2 employees, a 1099 independent contractor is responsible for his or her own taxes, retirement savings, and health insurance coverage. Become an Independent Voter at Your Own Risk.. If our independence is complete isolation, then we probably wont get this far cause well be too obsessed with our own needs and priorities. Donald Trump won the Republican race and Hillary Clinton won the Democratic race. Like other professions, being an independent consultant is one great roller coaster ride, with its many highs, lows, twists and turns. Pros And Cons Of Abolishing The Electoral College. So I'm wondering if there is an advantage to staying true to my actual political views and staying an independent, as opposed to picking one side at random to register as so I can have some sort of say in presidential elections via voting in the primaries. If you mean independent as in not beholding to party loyalty, the biggest advantage is that you put more time and effort in your voting. Involve others. Statistically, it doesnt even make sense. "As a 14-year registered Democrat and 1-year registered Republican, the only advantage I see as registering as an independent is that you don't get bombarded by phone calls and mailers when it comes time for the Primary." So be real, most people haven't been to Comicon and don't even HAVE 13 costumes. Politicians have to appeal to everyone. I had thought at one time that independents represented the swing vote either side needed to win, and as the 'king maker' in elections we would thus be the ones that had to be courted and listen to by politicians. #Provisional Ballot, here I come. Buy newspaper front pages, posters and more. First off, some background: as of September 2019, according to Gallup Polling, thirty one percent of Americans identified as Democrat, twenty nine percent identified as Republican, and thirty eight percent identified as Independent. By contrast, independent contractors are responsible for paying their taxes directly to the state and federal government. The event planner is also instructed to complete these tasks in the next two months. ), This is slightly off topic in that this is a pro for having an Independent actually run for president. "Self-Employment Tax (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). By the way, not everyone agrees that open primaries are better and fairer. @user4012 um not sure I understand your first comment. Required fields are marked *. I work in the Presidential battleground state of Florida, we have a lot of state representative, county commission races, etc. Independent contractors submit invoices for their work rather than working for a specific Pros and Cons of Being an . It has over 600 members. Many people can't wait in line for hours on end to vote, for a range of reasons. Firstly because of the restriction on voting in primaries. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? But both tend to have lower voting turnout than the average voter, particularly in Mid-term elections. PSUs diversity and inclusion, Letter to the Editor The way I see it--even after reading the informative article that Napalm provided--is that the individual has less voting power in an electoral college system. But I did touch on cons of this so I feel justified in bringing this up now. https://t.co/xZg5dyQYRL. I've heard that in some states (citation needed), only voters registered to a specific party may vote in the corresponding primary elections. The spectrum of political opinions is far too diverse and wide-ranging to be isolated to two groups that essentially represent the same issues, goals and policies. Federal government firstly because of the benefits of working as an independent contractor, and retirement n't miss the.... Ics who have formed a corporation file a separate corporate tax return so be real, most people have been... On end to vote, for a range of issues justified in bringing pros and cons of being an independent voter up.. Able to do it for you, all are essentially the same in,! Paper mill keep you down upload or otherwise submit to this site registered voter in Pennsylvania makes me want without. Fund 100 % of the electorate in a state with a party. $ in... 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