types of government expenditure control

The lack of systematic tracking and control of commitments leads to over commitment and arrears in several countries of commonwealth tradition, particularly in Africa. Spending agencies submit month-wise expenditure plans (along with their budget submission) to serve as the basis for issuance of spending authority (warrant/allotment) after budget approval. Ensures that transactions are properly recorded and accounted for to produce timely and reliable fiscal reports and financial statements. Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets, The Real Actors and the PMP (Policymaking Process), Housing Finance in Chile: Instruments, Actors, and Policies, The Political Economy of Productivity: Actors, Arenas and Policymaking, How Democracy Works: Political Institutions, Actors and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking, Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America: Relevant Actors and Policies, Urban Heritage Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Task for All Social Actors, Public Financial Management in Latin America: The Key to Efficiency and Transparency, Costa Rica: The Next Stage-Reform without Volatility; A Report, Who Decides on Public Expenditures? This requires that personnel database (where personnel information files are kept) and payroll records be linked, regularly updated, and reconciled. Government expenditure is vital in influencing the economy. In addition, the approach did not stipulate any time frame for agencies to upgrade their PFM standards, and there was an underestimation of their capacity-building needs. The main heads of Central Government's revenue expenditure are: (i) Defence Services, (ii) Development Services, ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) Administrative Services, (iv) Debt Services, and (v) Assistance to States. bank accounts (as reflected in bank statements). These valuations measure the full costs of paying pension benefits. Strengthening expenditure control in a particular country can, therefore, sometimes require difficult judgments about whether to reinforce traditional administrative arrangements or seek to modernize them. PEFA Scores (200614) of 85 Countries for Expenditure Control Indicator, Citation: Technical Notes and Manuals 2016, 002; 10.5089/9781513574639.005.A001, Expenditure Control and Budget Credibility. Spending units may have bank accounts which are a subsidiary of the TSA; such accounts could be zero-balance accounts with commercial banks, with money transferred into them as the payments are approved, and with their balances swept daily into the TSAs top account for cash consolidation. In the US, public spending as a share of GDP was 10.5% in 1941, then went up to 44.1% in 1945, and then went back down to 12.2% in 1948. 5. Commitment limits may be multi-year in nature (usually for capital projects) and carried over from one financial year to the next, while cash expenditure limits are usually set for the budget year. A commitment thus entails an obligation to pay when the third party has complied with the provisions of the contract. British Commonwealth, Scandinavian, and German-Austrian, Francophone, Lusophone, and Latin American. Weaknesses at one stage of the expenditure control cycle can undermine the integrity and credibility of the system as a whole. Check float amount is the total amount of outstanding checks that have been issued, but have yet to be encashed. To provide accountability, the budget proposals should be sub-divided by entity/purpose. There is potential scope for over commitments and/or manipulation of in-year data on commitments which may not be systematically recorded/tracked in a timely manner at the respective stage of the expenditure cycle.39, Scandinavian. Budgets are not the only mechanisms that provide the legal authorization to incur expenditure. Same as Francophone, but the official approving commitments and payments is usually the same (unlike separation of responsibility in Francophone countries). Spending units enter into commitments only against unencumbered spending authority and the cash plan covers the expected payment profiles of commitments. Bank-Qualified Municipal Bonds Marketplace Fairness and RTPA State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) PolicyStatements Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Budgeting and Financial Management Intergovernmental Relations and Federal Fiscal Policy Public Employee Pension and Benefits Administration Lack of adequate control over government expenditure remains a problem in many countries. This authority to spend is released to the spending units through the issue of warrants/allotments/dcret de rpartition, or other mechanisms.9 Some form of centralized control during this phase of the expenditure cycle is common in almost all countries and is usually enforced by the budget department of the ministry of finance. It is a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government in a financial year (which begins on 01 April of the current year and ends on 31 March of the following year). Government expenditure has ballooned over the years. Overall authority and responsibility for budget execution are assigned to the respective line minister who delegates this up to the stage of payment order. The key players are financial controllers (contrleurs financiers) who are generally under the Budget Department of the ministry of finance and exercise a priori control (in the form of issuance of a visa) at the commitment stage, commitment officers (ordonnateurs) who approve the issuance of payment orders to the Treasury, and public accountants or cashiers (comptables publics) who belong to the public accounting directorate and are responsible for ensuring that the verified bills are paid. The TSA systems in some of these countries give financial incentives for smoothing expenditure profiles. an emphasis on transparency and accountability to the legislature and the public for expenditure overruns. These regulations, among other things, prescribe the establishment of responsibility for financial decisions, the segregation of duties to ensure appropriate checks and balances, and documentation procedures for maintaining a defined audit trail. The three main types of government expenditure include public services, transfer payments, and debt interest. Managing the change process would involve communicating effectively to all relevant stakeholders a broad understanding of why the changes are necessary and what objectives are sought to be achieved. To be able to exercise upfront control over the future resource requirements related to pensions, countries implementing accrual budgeting (e.g., the UK, Australia and New Zealand) include the accruing cost and any unfunded liabilities of pension schemes17 within budgetary limits for each government department.18. not tracked. Line ministries and agencies have substantial authority in executing the budget and the preparation of financial accounts. 6. Pattanayak, S., and J. Cooper, 2011, Chart of Accounts: A Critical Element of the Public Financial Management Framework, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). The lack of a comprehensive and credible budget particularly affects the authorization (as the expenditure authority is not realistic), commitment (as ongoing/outstanding commitments are not adequately allocated for) and verification (as the accumulated liabilities are not fully reflected in the budget) stages. The main reforms include enhancing the coverage of the budget, improving the methodology of costing budget policies, introducing medium-term fiscal and budget frameworks, and ensuring timely submission and approval of the budget by the legislature. Shorter check validity period to minimize check float; monitoring of check floats and delay in electronic transfers. Allen, R., and D. Radev, 2009, Extrabudgetary Funds, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Lusophone African countries are also characterized by a higher degree of centralization in the sense that the overall budget execution responsibility, including the responsibility for financial control, is usually concentrated in one office: either the budget office itself (e.g., in Guine Bissau, and Sao Tome and Principe) or the accounting office (e.g., in Angola and Mozambique). Reservation. Payment. Current spending They are for the short term and include expenditure on wages and raw materials. Key challenges: need for sufficiently strong capacity in line agencies to implement the required controls (a challenge in fragile states); dispersed expenditure data could make timely financial reporting difficult; and lack of strong oversight (e.g., internal and external audit) and sanctions for non-compliance may create opportunities for fraudulent transactions. In some countries, one single department may be responsible for both treasury management and accounting functions (which may be discharged by different divisions/units within the same department). Once the specific problems and weaknesses in expenditure control have been identified, the government needs to develop tools and measures to address them. The introduction of an FMIS can thus strengthen expenditure controls as the system can replace several key controls that were previously applied manually and systematically track them. Identifying gaps and weaknesses in expenditure control in a particular country requires a systematic review of the integrity of the expenditure cycle, looking at: Definition/specification of key stages of the expenditure cycle, including the control criteria. The classification of public expenditure can be done in 4 ways: Revenue Expenditure The revenue expenditure is funded through the current revenue of the government that includes taxes and non-tax revenues such as welfare schemes or profits, or incidental incomes. Payment order issued under exceptional procedure (i.e., bypassing previous stages). Jacobs, D., and others, 2009, Budget Classification, Technical Notes and Manuals, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). The treasury department of the ministry of finance is responsible for maintaining central appropriation and fund accounts, forecasting government cash requirements and raising the necessary finance, supervising government/treasury bank accounts, and monitoring cash balances in these accounts. Reforms to address budget execution issues might require clarifying budget execution procedures, introducing or upgrading an FMIS, improving budget warrant/allotment system, establishing commitment control, strengthening cash management, introducing accrual accounting, etc. Payment orders are issued after documentary proof of verification. A Diagnostic Framework to Assess the Capacity of a Government's Financial Management Information System as a Budget Management Tool, Rwanda Nutrition Expenditure and Institutional Review 2020. The reforms should focus on modernizing the mode of payment (e.g., through electronic fund transfer), streamlining check floats, introducing active cash management to ensure cash availability for payments, and ensuring regular bank reconciliation. Payment order. It was centralized by a 1997 directive that applies to all the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries. A unit of government, typically a line ministry, department or agency, is assigned the responsibility to ensure that the appropriated resources are spent as intended within the authorized limits. General Services: In the other countries, the central banks usually handle both debt management and TSA administration on an agency basis. As part of the budgetary accounting, commitments and payments made (through the CPs) against each AE are tracked to identify and report on (i) AE approved in budget law; (ii) AE consumed through legal commitments; (iii) AE unused/available for new commitments; (iv) CP authorized in budget law; and (v) payments made or CP consumed (see figure below). Bouley, D., and others, 2003, How Do Treasury Systems Operate in sub-Saharan Francophone Africa? OECD Journal on Budgeting, OECD, Vol. Payment. The hurdles were based on the following indicators of performance by the line agencies: (i) budget planning; (ii) output costing; (iii) financial and performance reporting; (iv) financial control arrangements; (v) procurement management; (vi) asset management; and (vii) internal audit. Transactions undertaken using exceptional procedures often end up being registered in suspense accounts that are rarely cleared due to lack of budget cover and are neither properly tracked nor reported. These procedures also lead to significant differences between fiscal accounts and financing data (i.e., between above- and below-the-line data).38, Austrian. . Overall authority and responsibility are assigned to the respective Accounting Officer (or permanent secretary). No apportionment (or in-year release of spending authority) mechanism. The defining characteristic of an expenditure at the verification stage is that a liability has been incurred. For example, the UK uses the employer cost cap mechanism to control future pension spending. Ensures that expenditure commitments by spending units are fully in line with the expenditure limits and the released spending authority. The commitment stage is the point at which a potential future obligation to pay is established. Government cash manager and issuer of checks and/or electronic transfer instructions work in coordination to ensure funds are available for payments. If an FMIS is planned or under implementation, some measures towards revamping the expenditure control framework will have to be implemented in tandem with the FMIS. The paper also examines the influence of different administrative traditions on types of expenditure controls, including the authority and responsibility of various institutional actors. There is regular reporting and monitoring of overdue liabilities. A commitment occurs when a formal action, such as placing an order or awarding a contract, is taken that renders the government liable to pay at sometime in the future when the order or contract is honored by its counterpart. It will also usefully guide technical assistance work related to modernization of government budget execution and expenditure control systems, including the design and implementation of IT-based financial management information systems. var _paq = window._paq || []; These include appropriation control, commitment control, and accounting control. Verification (or certification). Once a payment order has been issued, payments are made through various instruments including checks, electronic fund transfer (EFT), and sometimes cash, in favor of a supplier or other recipient to discharge the liability. (function() { They allocate funds among their subordinate units, make commitments, purchase and procure goods and services, verify the goods and services acquired, prepare requests for payment (and make payments, if the payment system is not centralized), prepare progress reports, and may keep accounts and financial records. Expenditure committed but respective reservation/ encumbrance not annulled. Typical Problems at Different Stages of Expenditure and Tools to Address Them. Verifies the legal and administrative compliance to ensure that the expenditure operation and related documents/contracts follow the procedure, prescribed in the law and/or financial regulations. The amount of interest depends on the total federal debt and interest rates. var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Warrants/allotments are not used as a cash rationing tool. To help PFM practitioners evaluate a countrys budget execution system and identify priorities for strengthening expenditure controls, this TNM: explains the key stages of the government expenditure chain (Section II); describes the (i) types of controls applied at each stage of the chain, their objectives, and key features; (ii) nature of expenditure limits in cash-based, commitment-based and accrual-based budgeting environments; (iii) centralized vs. decentralized approach to the exercise of those controls; and (iv) authority and responsibility of various institutional actors throughout the expenditure cycle (Section III); examines the influence of different administrative traditions on types of expenditure controls exercised and the allocation of responsibility for their application (Section IV); identifies the typical weaknesses and problems associated with different expenditure control traditions (Section V); and. Administrative unit accountable for expenditure. These stages are: 1. It seeks to verify: (i) the existence of budget cover or space within the authorized limits; and (ii) that the payment is being made to extinguish the liability to a real creditor and for a claim that was not paid earlier. Much of the government's spending is a form of income or wealth redistribution, which is aimed at benefiting society as a whole. Bank reconciliations, among other things, are critical to identifying potential misappropriation of public money. Monetary policy. In most cases, funds can be moved quite freely between sub-programs and items within the year. Minimizes the cost of financing government programs by smoothing the gap between cash inflows and outflows. For a detailed discussion on TSA, see S. Pattanayak and I. Fainboim (2011). The main objective of the government as a purchaser is to obtain high-quality goods and services at a competitive price. Decentralized frameworks have the advantage of: (i) aligning expenditure decision making with the spending priorities of line agencies; (ii) minimizing/eliminating redundant controls which in turn improves the efficiency and speed of expenditure execution; and (iii) making each line agency directly accountable for its spending programs. Therefore, entering into a commitment or incurring a liability in excess of the limit would not, in the absence of other controls, constitute a breach of law. Budget calendar revisedand, if necessary, legal framework amendedto ensure budget approval before the start of the fiscal year. In the British Commonwealth system, there is no complementary period, and at the beginning of a new fiscal year, in principle, no cash transactions pertaining to the previous years budget should take place. Stage of the Expenditure Cycle, Controls, and Actors. Officials of the finance ministry and the public accounting directorate play an important role during the apportionment, commitment and payment stages. Broadly speaking, it exists not only in the United Kingdom, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Indian sub-continent, and many countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean that were former British colonies. It can be spent on a range of different . The author is also grateful to K. Douglass for her assistance with data analysis. Line ministries and agencies are responsible for executing and enforcing the required controls from commitment to payment stages. If a future valuation shows that the costs of a scheme have risen or have fallen, action needs to be taken (via adjustments to member benefits or member contributions) to return costs to the level of the cap. 7. Government Spending: Giveth Some, Taketh Some. Fiscal rules, medium-term budget plans, and annual budgets are meaningless if expenditure cannot be controlled during execution. The lack of effective communication between treasury, which uses a cash-based budget execution system, and line agencies, which maintain their own accounting records (normally on accrual basis), leads to problems in reconciling expenditure data. Reports from the central bank, based on bank payments data classified by bank code (a compressed form of the budget/accounts classification) provided the only basis for in-year control of budget implementation. The purpose of apportionment is to prevent spending agencies from incurring obligations at a rate which would require the authorization of additional funds for the fiscal year in progress.8 Once expenditure authorization is in place, it is apportioned for specific periods and/or specific spending units. When several departments in the ministry of finance and other agencies are involved in the supervision of the expenditure cycle, clear business process rules delineating the respective functions of each are required. Authorized purpose of the expenditure. Lienert, I., 2003, A Comparison Between Two Public Expenditure Management Systems in Africa, Working Paper WP/03/2, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). This paper defines and explains key stages of the government expenditure chain and describes the controls applied at each stage, including their objectives and key features as well as centralized vs. decentralized approaches in application of those controls. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2001, Managing Public Expenditure: A Reference Book for Transition Countries. Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments (Washington: World Bank) (www.pefa.org). Several Francophone African countries are taking measures recently to reduce the complementary period to one month. In some countries, ministries of finance regard expenditure as having taken place when funds are transferred from the ministry of finance or treasury bank accounts to the line ministries (or first-tier spending units). Institutional and procedural reforms that can help to address those problems are discussed in the next section. No cash availability to make payments within the time horizon of apportionment. Seven Key Stages of the Expenditure Chain. HM Treasury, 2013, Review of Financial Management in Government, (www.gov.uk). Khan, A., and M. Pessoa, 2013, Accrual Budgeting; Opportunities and Challenges, Chapter 11, PFM and its Emerging Architecture (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Sequestering (or gel/rgulation budgtaire in Francophone tradition) is the blocking of appropriations by the ministry of finance. The authority for expenditure is Control of procurement: Significant public spending takes place through the public procurement system. While expenditure control frameworks differ greatly from country to country, it is nonetheless possible to define, in a generic sense: the key stages of the budget execution cycle; the specific control objectives at each of these stages; and. multi-year limits for certain types of expenditure (e.g., autorisation d'engagement: for multi-year investment projects in Francesee Box 3). PFM weaknesses such as lack of a comprehensive and credible budget,41 poor cash planning or shallow markets for government debt, reporting delays, and accumulation of liabilities/arrears also undermine the effectiveness of expenditure control. However, even in such cases and in line with the principles of budget comprehensiveness, transparency, and accountability, such expenditures should be included in the budget documentation, and subjected to the same regularity controls discussed in Section III (see Table 1). A lack of effective expenditure controls not only threatens macroeconomic stability and fiscal discipline, but can also call into question the integrity of the public financial management system and undermine trust in a governments stewardship of public resources. Browne, E., 2010, Reforming Budget Systems A Practical Guide, United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This includes, but not limited to: failure to check the availability of funding before authorizing expenditure; failure to record and maintain data on commitments; delays in processing of payments; circumvention of controls at key stages, including through collusion; and poor record keeping, including of verification documents. Defence Services: They account for nearly 20% of the total revenue expenditure of the Central Government in India. The nature of those expenditure limits depends on the accounting basis (cash, commitment, or accrual) used in the budget (see Section III). Transactions are recognized, classified, and recorded in the books/ general ledger according to a countrys accounting policies/standards and chart of accounts. The word budget is derived from the Old French bougette ("little bag"). The new 2009 WAEMU/CEMAC directives, however, call for a shift from centralized to decentralized ordonnancement in these countries. In particular, the new law: (i) divests the financial controllers of the responsibility for regularity control (contrle de rgularit) of budget managers (administrateurs de credit), which was transferred/decentralized to the line ministries; (ii) requires the financial controllers to assess the fiscal sustainability of decisions taken by budget managers to reinforce macro-fiscal discipline; and (iii) also requires the controllers of central agencies, such as the General Inspectorate of Finances (Inspection gnrale des finances), to apply a risk-based approach to control. These are (i) appropriation control; (ii) commitment control; (iii) aggregate cash control; (iv) control of regularity; (v) accounting control; and (vi) other specific controls. These systems also sometimes make a distinction between the person who verifies/authorizes the commitment (engagement) and the one who authorizes the payment (ordonnancement). Expenditures. Morocco has been implementing a reform of financial and expenditure control since 2006 that seeks to gradually transfer this responsibility from the ministry of finance to line agencies while ensuring adequate safeguards (through strengthened oversight) against the resulting risks of abuse. However, several controls such as control of regularity, verification of goods and services, etc. The key questions to be asked are: (i) whether there are clear laws and financial regulations regarding the controls and the authority and responsibility of relevant actors who should apply them; and (ii) whether the relevant actors understand and apply them in practice. The allocation of authority and responsibility to various actors for enforcing the controls at each stage of the expenditure cycle varies from one country to another, but some common features can be noted (see Table 2). The key reforms include clarifying responsibilities for verification of delivery of goods and/or services, ensuring documentary proof of delivery, and eliminating any undue delay between verification and issuance of payment orders. Show answer Answer A public sector spending on goods and services like education or healthcare. Finance ministry monitors budget execution by line ministries/agencies. Following confirmation that sufficient liquidity is available, a designated official approves the payment and issues a payment order. While the institutional arrangements for raising government revenue are typically quite centralized in a national revenue authority, the expenditure of those resources involves a wide array of public entities at various levels of government, even in countries with relatively centralized PFM systems. The system is unlike that in France where each line minister has always been an Ordonnateur Principal. Check float time is the time between when a check is written and issued as a payment, and when the check is presented by the beneficiary to the bank for encashment. weak expenditure controls are also associated with a lack of budget credibility as measured by PEFA indicator PI-1 (Figure 3). On the sectoral side, growth in public administration, defence and other services decelerated to a two-year low of 2.0 percent YoY in Q3 versus 5.6 . While the answer to this question will depend on specific country context and weaknesses, in general caution should be exercised in the devolution of controls in countries that are at the initial stage of development of PFM systems (e.g., fragile states), or with weak capacity at line agencies to implement the required controls, and/or without strong institutions of ex post oversight (internal and external audit). In line with internationally accepted good practice, the payment should be made through a treasury single account (TSA) system.13 Payments by checks are, in most countries, recorded at the point of their issuance. Elementary and secondary education, utilities, public safety, health, roads, street lamps, signs, and traffic lights are the main areas of expenditure of the local governments. Commitment-based budgeting systems impose limits on both expenditure commitments and cash payments. By managing its portfolio of debt, it can affect interest rates, and by deciding on the amount of new money injected into the economy . Apportionment and cash management are fully integrated (issuance of warrants/allotments is linked to rolling cash plan/forecast). It is not a good practice to net payments against revenue due from the same recipient, as it hinders the transparent reporting of government revenues and expenditures as they pass through the various stages.15. Although the governmental budget is primarily concerned with fiscal policy (defining what resources it will raise and what it will spend), the government also has a number of tools that it can use to affect the economy through monetary control. In particular, it is important to ensure effective coordination between issuance of warrants/allotments by the budget department and cash planning and management by the treasury so that adequate cash is available for payment when the line ministries/agencies expenditure commitments materialize.23 Similarly, transaction level bank reconciliation by the accounting department and/or line agencies should be coordinated with the treasury departments monitoring of cash balances in various bank accounts. However, the design and implementation of such a differentiated control arrangement would depend on several factors, including the effectiveness of the internal control and assurance system to identify and alert management to control risks.45, Devolution of Expenditure Control in France, Morocco, and Thailand. Inordinate delay in issuance of spending authority to line agencies. Apportionment of authorization for specific periods and spending units. Manuals ( Washington: International Monetary Fund ) commitment and payment stages this to. Each line minister who delegates this up to the stage of payment order education types of government expenditure control healthcare allen,,! Characteristic of an expenditure at the verification stage is that a liability has been incurred, funds... Ordonnancement in these countries ] ; these include appropriation control, and others 2003. Of the total federal debt and interest rates same ( unlike separation of responsibility in Francophone ). 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