Trees come in all different shapes, forms and sizes. The nuts grow in clusters near the crown and have a thick, smooth outer skin covering a hard, fibrous seed. The family of hickory ( Carya) trees can be separated into the major shagbark, pignut, and pecan trees. If you are wondering what the different types of palm trees are, here is a list: 1. Coconut trees thrive in sandy soil. The larvae of the silky cane weevil are borers, meaning they bore into the trunk . This puts Phoenix in the USDA Hardiness zones of 9b and 10a. Learn more. The Chinese needle and dwarf palmetto are both short, slow-growing groundcover palms with fanning leaves. It first came to the United States in 1990 when Florida introduced it as a houseplant. The leaves are quite large and fan out to the sides and tops of the trunk. Still, these trees arent very hardy and cannot withstand cold temperatures or drought. Dwarf Palmetto Dwarf palmetto (Sabal minor) is hardy in USDA zones 8 through 10 and reaches just 4 to 5 feet tall, with a trunk that remains below ground. Palm trees growing outdoors in cold climates may need extra protection during winter. It gets its name from its dark green fan-shaped leaves that can be 5 feet wide. The most common tall palm trees are the royal palm (Roystonea regia), Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), and California fan palm (Washingtonia filifera). Not only does it grow very fast, but it can also survive in a range of environments. Chilean wine palm is a drought-tolerant plant that can grow in many settings. These are one of the most durable palm trees because it can withstand almost anything Mother Nature throws at it. She loves sharing the joy of nature with others, and hopes to inspire. However, compared to many species of hardwood trees, palms typically have slower growth, not growing more than 2 ft. (0.6 m) per year. However, the Windmill Palm does not like hot temperatures at all and prefers to live where its cooler. Others can live in temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-15 C). The tree is topped with leaves blue-green in coloration. That said, below are some of the most popular types of dwarf (small) and bushy palm trees. Depending on the species, low-growing clump-forming palms with bushy growth have pinnate leaves, like the parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) or dwarf sugar palm (Arenga engleri). 1. Alexander Palm - Archontophoenix alexandrae Areca Palm - Areca triandra Bismarck Palm - Bismarckia nobilis Blue Hesper Palm - Brahea armata Canary Island Date Palm - Phoenix canariensis Chinese Fan Palm - Livistona chinensis This creates competition for resources, and some trees are better at handling that than others. The Bamboo Palm is a somewhat rare tree that thrives in low light conditions, making it an excellent office plant. Artificial Plants. To plant the palm, choose a suitable location with plenty of sunlight. The Cat Palm will only grow to be about 6 feet (2 meters) high. However, some species can live and weather down to 10 Fahrenheit. To ensure optimal growth, keep indoor palms in a bright spot but out of direct sunlight. Date palm trees are easily recognizable due to their tall, solitary rugged stems and spreading crowns of curving fronds and bunches of juicy fruits. It does grow flowers as well, and it is able to withstand the cold very well. It is so large that it was originally thought to be multiple trees, but DNA tests have proven that it is only one tree. >Seasonal & seasonal plants e.t.c . It may help relieve coughs due to various diseases and relieve chronic pelvic pain, migraines, hair loss, and more. The Royal Palm is one of the most beautiful and popular ornamental palms. Cold-hardy palms typically grow in warmer climates but can withstand short periods when temperatures dip below freezing. 03:06. This palm tree is so small that it closely resembles a shrub. These cold temperature trees differ from tropical palms in their growth rate and their overall height. Really though, evergreens are just trees that keep their foliage the whole year round. Palm trees will also differ in their ability to withstand drought and salt. Acai berries: These small grape-like fruits are dark purple or blackish-colored fruits with a sweet flavor. 6. Manufacturing companies even use the outside husk of the coconut for production. The stem of a palm tree is typically a slender cylindrical tube that sometimes bulges at the base. The watery insides of the coconut is called milk and people like to drink it. Betel palm tree is commercially important for its fruits,seeds, leaves and for landscaping. They live in the deserts, on the sides of mountains, forests in the most remarkable places, in swamps and in river/coast channels. 1. Palm Tree Identification by Trunk. A post shared by Yes Please, Plants & Trees (@yesplease_plantsandtrees). Its also hardy and tough enough to miss a few waterings. These trunks also have a lot of light-colored, spiky protrusions coming from the trunk. Contrary to its name, the golden palm is not necessarily golden in colour; the golden hue is produced only when the plant is exposed to full sun. The tree will be bare for the entire winter. Sylvester Date Palm (Phoenix sylvestris), 30. It is highly ornamental with soft green fronds and trunks like stout canes of bamboo. Palm plants can have tree-like growth or grow as stemless shrubs. offers! The leaves range in colors of green from olive and blue-green. It is happiest when it is exposed to full sun, but it also adapts to a large range of conditions. . These are the trees that most people think of when you mention palm trees. The Windmill Palm is an attractive tree with large round fan-shaped fronds that can grow to 75 inches long. Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis) Some palms have thick trunks; others have thick and waxy leaves. Ed Malaker is an experienced writer who has brought his knowledge to a wide range of blogs, including home improvement, guitars, computer programming, tools, fitness, and pets. The Saw Palmetto Palm is used to produce a health food supplement. Others lack trunks completely and look more like shrubs. As the trunk reaches upwards, it loses its roundness and becomes skinnier. Mature fruit of coconut palm tree (top) and Medjool dates (bottom). Pindo Palm (Butia capitata) - Another short palm, growing only to 20 feet. It is often planted next to entryways, giving it the alternative name, sentry palm. Its bark is primarily thick and scaly, but other species have thin and flaky barks. As the fruit matures, a hard seed develops covered in a fiber called coir with a white fleshy interior. Like many other palm species, the Mazari Palm can survive in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12.22 degrees Celsius). Like the Bismarck palm, theyre very short. These trees arent nearly as hardy as some of the others weve mentioned. The leaves are a dark green and the fingers of the leaves are almost oval shaped in some parts. It's a frequent sight in urban landscapes, and . These trees are commonly referred to as Cold Hardy Palms because they can survive in temperatures as low as 5-20 degrees Fahrenheit (-15 to -6.67 degrees Celsius). Some have that tall trunk with the broad leaves and coconuts that we all think of. However, the tips of their leaves point downwards, resembling curled fingers. The darker the color of the wood is, the more value people place on it. It works well in pots, but you need to be careful when transplanting it. Whether it's for shade, decoration, or coconuts, palms are popular across Hawaii and the world. These trees grow very quickly, up to 3 feet (0.9 meters) a year. The Kentia Palm Tree is another office plant that grows better in indirect sunlight. Also, many dwarf palm trees have shrubby growth and only grow a few feet above the ground. Because there are thousands of different trees, we need a way to classify them. The green coloration of the leaves is accented by the glossiness of the leaves. These are also very interesting looking palm trees. The golden palm is a relatively small tree that produces multiple canes from the ground. This is an organized way to put organisms into groups based on their physical and physiological characteristics. It can withstand almost anything that nature throws at it. Also called the Indian Sago Palm or the wine palm, this unique palm tree has foliage which is quite different from all other palms and can reach a height of up to 10 metres. The leaves are a deep green color, and each leaf has sharp spines along the stems. These trees are some of the hardiest kinds of palm trees in the world. Additionally, its a good idea to water the tree thoroughly before severe frosts and add a thick layer of mulch. Buccaneer Palm (Pseudophoenix sargentii), 34. The queen palm is a shaggy tree also known as the Cocos plumosa and Jeriva syagrus romanzoffiana. These fruits are becoming increasingly popular because of their sweet taste and nutritious properties. Depending on the species, palm tree fruits can be edible or inedible. It is extremely salt and drought tolerant. Are Strawberries Berries? 40. Some people believe this is one of the first plants cultivated as many as 5,000 years ago. Because its native to the Mediterranean region, its very adaptable and can live under many different circumstances. It needs very little care and only requires water every few weeks as long as you place it in sunlight. It is smooth, has light grey trunk, slightly barrel-shaped when young, reaches a height of 25 metres and is crowned by huge, pinnate leaves. Copyright 2023 House Grail. Popular types include: Bailey acacia, a hardy Australian variety that reaches heights of 20 to 30 feet (6-9 m.). The Surprising Answer! Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) can be grown indoors and will give a tropical look to any space. You May Also Like: Learn to Identify Edible to Poisonous Types of Mushrooms Here with Photos, Infographics, Guide, and more! Several palm varieties produce dates, but only cultivars from the Phoenix dactyliferagenus are prized for their edible dates. A post shared by Palm Tree Photos/Chasing Palms (@flpalmtreelover). The trunk of this tree grows very thick, with a diameter of 18 inches (0.46 meters). The leaves themselves can grow to be up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) long. The Bottle Palm is a true Palm with a swollen trunk. Also, most palm trees that can withstand colder temperatures still prefer hotter climates. The California Fan Palm is a flowering tree native to the southwestern United States. Pansare Nursery Green Phoenix Sylvestris Palm Trees, For Outdoor. Thus, we can say that we have 8 types of palm trees: Indoor palms: those that can be cultivated out of their natural habitats at smaller heights. If it grows in medium light though, it can produce 8-12 total fronds. Palms are one of the best known and most widely planted tree families. These trees are native to Australia. This plant is not technically a palm tree, but is a close relative: a cycad. Some trees can survive extreme salinity. It has groups of light green leaves that are long and finger-like. Contact Supplier Request a quote. Oak. 134 reviews. It has a long lifespan and can live for up to 80 years. Jacaranda Although theyre tall enough not to look like shrubs, their trunks are round and stubby. Here are other types of palms that can be grown in a Kenyan garden: Cycad palm This unique palm is characterised by a stout and woody trunk with a crown of large, hard and stiff evergreen. Instead, the tree is thickly covered in broad leaves. It needs alkaline soil to really thrive and does not do well with acidity. Its a slow-growing and clumping variety that grows to about 8 to 15 feet tall and spreads to 10 feet wide. Depending on the species, palm trees have smooth, ringed, or shaggy trunks covered in husks. In addition, many types of palm trees have smooth stems with a green crown shaft. It likes well-drained soil and gets its name from the tender fruit that it produces with a strong pineapple flavor. This tree also has a thick, bulbous trunk, but it does not taper off at the top. Its a great apartment plant, but can we grow up to 40 feet outside. The Sylvester Date Palm is a tall tree with thick, skinny leaves reaching out of the top of the trunk. The flowers are usually clustered together in a spiky inflorescence the flowering part of the palm tree. As the name suggests, Florida Thatch Palms are a Florida native that thrives in both warmer and coastal regions of South Florida. Published. As you can see, there is quite a large selection of palm trees available to you. It is wide at the bottom and tapers off at the top, just like a bottle. They reach high up into the sky and they are topped by thick, shaggy leaves. How To Identify The Different Kinds of Palm Trees? Type above and press Enter to search. Each Buccaneer Palm has a unique appearance with leaves ranging from green to bluish-green or even silver. It's hardy down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Kenya tree felling sparks anger over Nairobi's new highway. Palm trees are part of the family Arecaceae, and are defined by their branchless stems that showcase large, wavy leaves. Not only does it have a broader range than most palms, extending as far north as zone 8. Are Pine Cones Edible? You May Also Like: Discover These 47 Types of Pine Trees to Differentiate Edible to Flammable with Photos, Facts, and more! These trees beat all the others in terms of growth rate, growing at up to 3.5 feet (1 meter) per year! This is another palm tree that doesnt look much like a palm tree at all. This palm is slow-growing but ultimately can reach 40 feet high. The leaves are so thick that the top of the palm tree resembles a pom pom. The tree is estimated to be between 1,200 and 3,000 years . When you think of palm trees, youre most likely thinking of coconuts and sand. Edible fruit. These palm trees grow best in tropical and subtropical regions. 21 Types of Plants to Know for Plant Lovers with Photos, Infographics, Facts and more! Here are some examples of small palm trees suitable for landscaping: Needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) has a bushy growth habit and can grow as a miniature patio palm. They are rich in antioxidants, omegas, and amino acids. tall. Here is a list of a few dwarf palm trees suitable for small, compact gardens in southern climates: Palm trees live between 40 and 120 years, depending on the species and growing conditions. Apply a slow-release palm fertilizer in early spring. The Pygmy Date Palm needs lots of moisture and sun, but it can tolerate temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1.1 degrees Celsius). If youve ever been interested in these beautiful plants, keep reading to learn more. Update Privacy Preferences Guadalupe Fan Palm (Brahea edulis) - similar to the Mexican Blue Palm, this one grows faster to 30 feet in height. A palm tree crown shaft is a smooth, green part of the stem visible on some palms just below the crown. Identification features of palm trees include the leaf shape, height and the trunk appearance. However, many types of cold-hardy palm trees grow in cold climates and can even withstand freezing temperatures. The Royal Palm is one of the most beautiful and popular ornamental palms. These are also the trees that generally grow the slowest which contributes to their shorter heights. These trees can reach up to 15-20 feet (5-6 meters) throughout their lives, but they are very slow-growing. These trees can also withstand temperatures down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9.5 degrees Celsius), and it can survive through droughts. GREAT FACT: At a growth rate of 10 inches per year, the Chilean Wine Palm may take 20 years to reach 10 or 20 feet. The cold-hardiest palms can even tolerate some snow and hard freezes. These palm trees arent drought tolerant, but they do easily adapt to alkaline soils and can withstand a large amount of salt. Palm trees are a fascinating type of tree that most of us think are strictly warm-weather plants. The reason the leaves from a triangular shape is because the leaflets point out at a 120-degree angle. European fan palm tree (Chamaerops humilis): Multi-stemmed palm with rough stems and palmate fronds. The Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana) is a majestic palm tree that thrives in tropical climates and is a popular houseplant. Then, ensure its growing location is in a spot protected from the wind. As they ripen, they will turn into black drupes about half an inch long. Press the soil down to ensure no air pockets and water thoroughly. Most palm tree trunks (stems) are branchless. To test if the seeds are viable, drop them in a glass of water. Not many palm trees are native to the United States, but some are, and many will grow well in the warmer states. Areca Palm. It stays quite small, with a thick, bulbous trunk. There are many different species of Ebony trees, and they don't all have the same dark color. Only water the soil when the top layer is dry. Bamboo Bamboo. Copy link. The point is, though, that there are thousands of different palm tree species and none of them are the same. An ancient tree dating back to prehistoric times, coconut trees are revered and highly valued to this day for many different products, including fibers and culinary uses. Share. They are separated based on the physical features of their trunk, leaf structure, growth rate, size, and cold tolerance. If the trees cant handle the salt, theyll eventually dry out and die. It has several long, skinny trunks that grow from the base, but the trunks are just as green as the leaves. Palm trees grow in coastal locations, rainforests, and deserts. These palms grow to be quite large despite the smaller places they often find themselves in. They can also last through tough droughts, and they can survive in the cold down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9.5 degrees Celsius). The spikes on the leaves are so thick that they almost resemble the needles found on pine trees. 3 Examine the tree for fruit. Although their leaves are large, they are quite sparse, so the tree doesnt appear to be very covered in foliage. All these species add a topical feeling in a garden. 7 Moped Accident Statistics in Canada (Update in 2023), How to Add Compost to Gardens in 2023 10 Tips and Tricks. Overall, the tree can reach up to 35 feet (11 meters), but most of these palms stay around 20 feet (6 meters). It has attractive fronds that have varying shades of green. All rights reserved. They also use the trunks to distinguish different kinds of palms. What they cannot tolerate is too much cold, and they will become damaged if they find themselves in cold weather. Small palm trees typically grow less than 20 ft. (6 m) tall. Young coconuts have glossy outer skin that is usually yellowish-green. People love palm trees so much because of their ornamental appearance. 27 November 2021. Coconut palms have arching pinnate leaves measuring 13 to 20 ft. (4 6 m) long. To care for a palm plant indoors, grow it in fertile soil with good drainage. Water daily for the first week. Or, you can grow them in containers outdoors to restrict their height. Types: Plants 266 Seed Planters 4. This tree is another fast-growing palm, but as the name suggests, it is native to Mexico. Chances are, youve seen a palm tree before and never even realized it was a palm tree. 2. For the most part, though, the leaflets are wide, but pointy and sprawl out from the base of the leaves. Nairobi, Muthaiga, 9 hours - Garden Supplies - Palm TOP 2 Golden Palm and Ashoka Tree Some trunks will be very smooth, while others may be bumpy or ringed in bark. One of the most widespread tropical rainforest trees in the modern-day, oil palm trees are grown in pretty much every tropical region around the world, both in the wild in Africa where it originates from, and in many plantations in South and Central America, South Asia, and in the southwest Pacific. Well give you a short description and a picture for each so you can decide which is right for your next landscaping project. Date palms, like the popular Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), have huge bunches of fleshy drupes that can be brown, orange, or red colors. Pinnate palms have fronds that resemble feathers, whereas palmate palms have large, fan-like fronds. After that, cover the container with plastic and put it in a warm, humid room. These trees are also very cold-tolerant and can survive in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12.22 degrees Celsius). These trees also stay on the shorter side, and their trunks are quite spiky. These flowers not only look nice, but they smell very sweet as well. This is because people most associate palm trees with warm, tropical places like island beaches. 2. These trees fare best in warmer climates, but they can survive in colder temperatures as well. Here are some palms suitable for planting in containers indoors: Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): A popular indoor clumping palm that has long, feathery-like fronds that arch gracefully from the center of the plant. A Spectrum of Electrons: What Color is Lightning? The Montgomery palm has a thin, gray trunk and green leaves that can be up to 9-feet long. This is one of the most common types of palm trees found in the United States because of their extreme hardiness. Types of Palms Phoenix is perfect for palm trees because many are made for dry, hot climates with an average winter temperature between 25 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides these very important berries, the palm tree also produces beautiful yellow-white flowers. Many of these trees can grow up to 2.5 feet (0.8 meters) per year. Cold-hardy palm trees are typically native to warmer areas of North Americas temperate zone and Asias mountainous regions. Some of the leaves even appear to have a silvery hue to them. Palm trees can be tall, single-stemmed plants with smooth or rough stems and crowns of arching fronds. These include the following species: Here are some descriptions of the most common palm tree fruits: Coconuts: Not technically a nut, but it is a drupe. This tree is also sometimes known as the Desert Fan Palm and can tolerate temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9.5 degrees Celsius). They dont like to be in direct sun, but prefer some shade. Feather-like fronds (pinnate) are found on some of the most popular and common palm tree types like the Areca Palm, Coconut Palm, Queen Palm, and Date Palm. However, its extremely adaptable and can live in a wide range of climates. Some of the trunks also appear to be a bit lumpy. It has the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world although the trunk is heavily buttressed, giving a higher diameter reading than q true cross-sectional of the trunk. 5. It can grow to 52 feet tall, and its coloring puts it in high demand for landscaping projects. The trunk is also covered in thick, spiky bark that reaches toward the sky. Other shaggy palm stems have a husk-like papery growth that is remnants of dead stems. It is also adaptable in a wide range of soils. Green Roystonea Royal Palm Tree, For Garden, 50 Feet 20. Its whiteish flowers are typically in bloom by mid-June and fill the summer air with a pleasant fragrance. A newly planted palm tree requires watering daily. Palm trees usually cant survive in colder climates, this is why the majority of the species are found in warm regions. Here are descriptions of some of the most popular and common palm tree varieties: The coconut palm tree (Cocos nucifera) is a tall, single-stemmed palm with smooth, ringed trunks and a crown of arching fronds. Typically, these slow-growing tall, slender palm trees grow 60 to 100 ft. (18 30 m) tall and live for over 100 years. 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