They require simple materials: wood and/or metal. How to design a sailing ship for the 21st century? Okazaki, Toru, Yasuyuki Shirai, and Taketsune Nakamura. Would the amount of water in radiators be reduced or increased based on how hot or cool you'd want? It appears much of the ancillary apparatus could be sourced many places. Fair points. . February 27, 2019 at 11:45 PM. One of these builders, Jrgen Krogsgaard, wrote a manual in the 1970s and I have asked him if it could be published. BTW, I am off grid, and do have practical experience. The direct alternative for solar photovoltaic power is solar thermal power, a technology that appeared in the nineteenth century following cheaper production technologies for glass and mirrors. Due to efficiency heatpumps are intermittent energy demand. Taking into account both investment and operational costs, small-scale heat generating windmills with mechanical heat pumps are equally expensive or cheaper than conventional gas boilers when assuming the typical performance of a small windmill (which produces over a period of one year 12% to 22% of its maximum energy output). The researchers then ran simulations over a period of fifty hours to calculate the windmills heat output. So, let's say wind -> electric -> heat gives an overall efficiency of 70%. TonyH | Mechanical windmills are less complex, which makes them more affordable and less resource-intensive to build, and which increases their lifetime. Happy to see an article related to my PhD research topic! Obviously, its not always stormy weather, which means that the average wind speed is at least as important. , Integration of Thermal Energy Storage into Energy Network, Sharyar Ahmed, 2017, The bright future of solar thermal powered factories, Kris De Decker, Low-tech Magazine, 2011, Solar Heat Worldwide, edition 2018, International Energy Agency (IEA). plugged into these to make them greener. 7, Interest in heat generating windmills resurfaced a few years ago, although for now it concerns only a handful of scientific studies. Directly coupling a mechanical windmill to a mechanical heat pump is cheaper than using a gas boiler or the combination of a wind turbine and an electric heat pump. They conclude that a mechanical heat pump + mechanical windmill is the most cost effective realization of wind powered heating. They are quite inefficient but The Joule Machine has lower weight, smaller size, and lower costs than an electrical generator. This results seems to be excessive compared to the other heat generating windmills, but the energy output of a windmill increases more than proportionally with the rotor diameter and the wind speed. What I don't quite understand is: heat will be a byproduct of using electricity anyway, since it is always the waste product in the end. Posted by: , themes: Off-the-grid energy storage Heating and cooling Wind power Renewable energy History. [Update: just received a mail that the author, who built one of the first water brake mills, is busy answering my questions -- more soon], Posted by: 14 The researchers calculated that at the average wind speed in the country (4 m/s of Beaufort 3), generating one kilowatt of heat requires a windmill with a rotor diameter of 8.2 meters. The SCOP values in table 3 show heat pumps to have ~3x the performance of retarders or boilers (less than I claimed for GSHP, but consistent with figures I've see for air sourced heat pumps). Ideas anyone? Some chose the indirect path, converting wind generated electricity into heat using electric heating appliances. However, in the LO-FA windmill all mechanical parts for energy conversion were moved to the top of the tower. In this case, it becomes possible to build a pretty reliable heating system with a smaller heat storage tank, because the combination of two often complementary energy sources increases the chances of direct heat supply. "Concept study of wind power utilizing direct thermal energy conversion and thermal energy storage." Almost nobody knows that a windmill can produce heat directly. All Rights Reserved. Urban Fish Ponds: Low-tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities. For example, you could build a desk or a bench with water pipes inside, heated by a small mechanical windmill and heat storage. I don't have the answer but I've sent a mail to some scientists who wrote about the eddy current heater. February 28, 2019 at 08:59 PM. Water brake windmills may be a lot cheaper to build, but they are not more energy efficient because a heat pump only moves heat. Given the right conditions, a mechanical windmill with an oversized brake system is a cheap, effective, and sustainable heating system. The mill was built by Jorgen Andersen in 1975, and stood in Serritslev. I think they are claiming a round trip efficiency of 60% for electricity storage. Larger systems present the same rankings the combination of mechanical windmills and mechanical heat pumps is the cheapest option but they have up to three times lower capital costs due to economies of scale. In this case, it becomes possible to build a pretty reliable heating system with a smaller heat storage tank, because the combination of two often complementary energy sources increases the chances of direct heat supply. Posted by: Source: 8, The Joule Machine was originally conceived as a measuring apparatus. Furthermore, the friction liquid in the water brake was not water but hydraulic oil, which can be heated up to much higher temperatures. Paint can with high heat paint. Using eddy current heaters, windmills could provide direct heat at higher temperatures, making their potential use in industry even larger. Sorry for the silly question! According toWhich, while micro roof-mounted wind turbines are cheaper, theyre also less efficient and will produce a lot less electricity than pole-mounted ones. What I don't quite understand is: heat will be a byproduct of using electricity anyway, since it is always the waste product in the end. March 01, 2019 at 10:10 PM. If you had any pointers to resources, links to other people's DIY direct wind-to-heat pump setups, or were planning on doing an article on those, that would be greatly appreciated! Posted by: The Danish water brake windmill from the 1970s was a relatively small machine, with a rotor diameter of around 6 meters and a height of around 12 meters. Consequently, the heat generating windmill is at its best as a decentralised energy source, providing heat to an off-the-grid household or in the optimal case a relatively small town or city, or an industrial area. Due to how the article was structured, it sometimes seemed to argue that water brake windmills are more efficient than electric heat pumps. , World Bank: Renewable electricity output. A mechanical heat pump is simply a heat pump without the electric motor instead, the wind rotor is directly connected to the compressor(s) of the heat pump. In other models, heat generation happened at the bottom of the tower from the top of the windmill there was a shaft down to the bottom where the water brake was installed. Furthermore, the friction liquid in the water brake was not water but hydraulic oil, which can be heated up to much higher temperatures. It would suck in cold air from the rest of the room, and dump its waste heat under the desk, turning into a "free" foot heater. Beneath a critical wind speed, the compressor will lack the rotational speed to compress the heat transfer fluid back to liquid. The four heating concepts are ranked based on their yearly capital and operational expenditures, assuming a lifespan of 20 years. I think this technology could be great for island communities in higher latitudes. Simple. Still, thanks for expanding our horizon of the possible! If you want to think outside the box and you have some time and solid DIY skills, you could try running hot water pipes into your shed like a radiator. Show sites now open. However, an old-fashioned windmill can not only provide mechanical energy, but also thermal energy. BTW, I am off grid, and do have practical experience. Posted by: March 01, 2019 at 07:46 PM. There are two basic types of towers: self-supporting (free-standing) and guyed (supported with wires). That's also an interesting idea, and it could be more practical than what Job proposes. It transferred the rotational energy from its wind rotor directly to the axis of a machine, for example for sawing wood or grinding grain. The direct alternative for wind power that everybody knows is the old-fashioned windmill, which is at least 2.000 years old. Propane Heater, thermomate 18,000 BTU Portable LP Gas Heater with 3 Power Settings, Mobile Radiant Cabinet LP Heater with Gas Regulator and Hose, Heating Area Up to 450 Sq. free uk mainland delivery Obviously a water brake windmill is suited for a windy climate. Due to efficiency heatpumps are intermittent energy demand. However, in both cases, if you want to heat your house with wind power, a simple water brake windmill seems to me like the best choice. You introduce extra losses in the mechanical drive train just to get a little bit of waste heat -- and a lot of noise and vibrations -- in the house. Radiators are usually controlled by temperature thermostats preset to the desired temperature for each room. Given this, there is far more value in driving a heat pump rather than directly converting the mechanical energy to heat. Others, however, developed mechanical windmills that produced heat directly. would go towards the primary goal of heating an inhabited room. March 03, 2019 at 09:05 PM. Images from Test at very high wind speed of a windmill controlled by a water brake, O. Helgason and, Posted on February 27, 2019 at 11:04 AM in, Keeping Some of the Lights On: Redefining Energy Security, 2-3 times as energy efficient compared to following the indirect path involving electricity conversion, very inefficient and dont always generate as much energy as was needed to produce them, compared to batteries or other common technologies, when solar thermal is used for power production, Ditch the batteries: off-grid compressed air energy storage, Keeping some of the lights on: redefining energy security, Restoring the old way of warming: heating people, not places, Wind powered factories: history and future of industrial windmills, WIND POWERED THERMAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (WTES), Integration of Thermal Energy Storage into Energy Network, The bright future of solar thermal powered factories. Fitted to a wind turbine system, a run / stop switch enables you to temporarily slow down and/or stop the turbine from operating should you wish to, for example, to reposition it. I just wanted to comment in relation to the article and the use of heat pumps. How efficient is mechanical transmission of energy? [15]. Peter Sharp | A mechanical heat pump is simply a heat pump without the electric motor instead, the wind rotor is directly connected to the compressor(s) of the heat pump. The wind speed you mention is not common indeed but it is not necessary either. While renewable energy sources account for more than 20% of global electricity demand (mostly hydroelectric), they only account for 10% of global heat demand (mostly biomass). March 09, 2019 at 11:46 PM. Water brake windmills don't need steam turbines. The EcoFlow DELTA kit with two 160w solar panels supplies all the power you need for a smaller shed. The most recent and extensive studies to date are from 2016 and 2018, and compare different types of heat generating windmills with different types of indirect heat generation. One option is to use source heat that does not have to be maintained and a storage tank. If you just need some light for putting away yard tools, you can get by with a simple system costing $100 or less. Hugh Conway | or nuclear stuff) but it seems like a Water-brake wind system could be Posted by: However, energy losses (self-discharge) should also be taken into account, and this explains why the Danish heat generating windmills usually had a storage tank holding ten to twenty thousand liters of water. Could be a good opportunity for a smaller manufacturer, though starting a company around this is probably not so straightforward - there must have been a reason why Westrup in Denmark is no longer around. I would say the biggest challenge of direct wind-powered heating system is: the utilisation of this system would be low because of the mismatch between wind power and heat demand profiles. Posted by: That and a 5 meter (16+ ft) diameter rotor You will have a difficult time finding a location that reliably supplies the required wind speed and has space for a largish (and noisy) turbine. On a global scale, thermal energy demand corresponds to one third of the primary energy supply, while electricity demand is only one-fifth. URLs automatically linked. For example how much more heat do you get when you use ground loops or ground water vs outside air? There was also a "LO-RA" water brake mill. Ideal for multiple-space use (sheds, tents, patios, garages, barns) Suitable for heating small spaces Light and highly portable Produces clean burning with a high energy efficiency Easy to use Simple installation process Ideal for both indoor and outdoor application CONS Not ideal for high altitude areas (beyond 7,000 feet above sea level) Would the heat be sufficient to kill pathogens in the water tank for longer-term water storage? Posted by: Source: [13]. Some chose the indirect path, converting wind generated electricity into heat using electric heating appliances. Or would it be better to generate e-power all the time if the turbine is capable of it? Instead of having the turbine use the water as a break, you could use the turbine to pump the water through a cooling track and suck the heat out of the house. 2, A windmill with water brake built at the Institute for Agricultural Techniques in 1974. You could build small networks for heat distribution, in which one or a few windmills supply heat to a community of buildings or a factory. 15. However, larger systems also reveal a problem when scaling up the technology: storing heat may be cheaper and more efficient than storing electricity, but the opposite holds true for transportation: the energy losses for heat transportation are much larger than the energy losses for electricity transmission. Main It's probably going to be less practical compared to using a water brake."". They are in their seventies and eighties now, some of them have passed away. I thoroughly enjoyed the article on heating with windmills. Radiators are usually controlled by temperature thermostats preset to the desired temperature for each room. Despite a warming climate, the demand for thermal energy is as high as ever. A mechanical heat pump is simply a heat pump without the electric motor - instead, the wind rotor is directly connected to the compressor (s) of the heat pump. March 03, 2019 at 01:04 PM. The electrical current stored in the battery is usually 12V and is DC. Create hole for intake and exhaust hoses. Also say you've got the 20 mph wind consistent enough to sustain the power output. 12 However, using similar models for heat production decreases embodied energy and costs, increases lifetime, and improves efficiency. This would be dependent on a total volume large enough to absorb the whole days worth of heat or dual pump water into house then through ground pipes to recool it. Consequently, hot water could literally be tapped out of the windmill. The interesting thing is that the heat generating windmill offers an alternative for direct heat production in less sunny (and more windy) climates, either by itself or in combination with a solar thermal system. Tests have shown that small wind turbines producing electricity are very inefficient and dont always generate as much energy as was needed to produce them. The LO-FA was also the largest of the heat generating windmills, with a 12 meter diameter rotor. This DIY solar box will work as a little solar heater for the shed and be the cheapest way of providing heat to the shed. A heat generating windmill can also be combined with a solar boiler, so that both sun and wind can supply direct thermal energy using the same heat storage reservoir. Adjusting energy demand to supply would make switching to renewable energy much more realistic than it is today. I corrected the sentence, thanks for pointing it out. The most recent and extensive studies to date are from 2016 and 2018, and compare different types of heat generating windmills with different types of indirect heat generation. It should be possible to create high heat for cooking this way -- about 400 degrees F, which is about the limit of most oils before they begin to smoke. February 28, 2019 at 12:36 AM. This is not about math, it's about language. Larger windmills have higher capacity factors (16-40%), which result in even larger cost savings. The powerful battery fueled Mr. Heater Hero offers 35,000 BTU, heating up to 850 square feet of space. We are in Perth in Western Australia. It was found that the torque-speed characteristics of wind rotor and impeller should be carefully matched to achieve maximum efficiency. For example, when I was a student and still owned a desktop instead of a laptop, I has a set-up where I had put a blanket around my desk like a make-shift kotatsu, with the computer desktop poking through. "Has anyone out there done any experimentations of their own?"". The direct approach to heat production is considerably cheaper and more sustainable than converting wind or solar generated electricity into heat by using electric heating devices. Sorry for the silly question! I'm very curious to read those results, but you did not provide the link you are talking about Posted by: The most fascinating thing about water brake windmills is that, hypothetically, they could have been built hundreds or even thousands of years ago. All other technologies are in between. Wood stoves equipped with thermoelectric generators can produce electricity that is more sustainable, more reliable, and less costly than power from solar PV panels. I'll keep you updated here in the comments section. Davide Honey | This is saying that direct wind to heat would then be 280% efficient. 1, The original type of heat generating windmill converts rotational energy directly into heat by generating friction in water, using a so-called water brake or Joule Machine. The main exception is the traditional use of biomass for cooking and heating but in the developed world even biomass is often used to produce electricity instead of heat. We receive very little for any exported power so self-consumption is preferred. The writer of the book chapter may know, but he didn't answer my questions. [7]. For example, for the very small Savonius windmill that the scientists used as a model (0.5m rotor diameter, 2m tower), it was calculated that the impeller diameter should be 0.388m. Kris - thanks a lot for this great article, very inspiring! Ian Speer | Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. In general, the higher the tower, the more power the wind system can produce. There are quite a few district heating systems which use waste heat from electricity generation or industrial plants (usually nasty fossil or nuclear stuff) but it seems like a Water-brake wind system could be plugged into these to make them greener. Posted by: Essentially one of these: - they're not technically as efficient as a phase change, but if it's simpler and there are fewer moving parts, it might be a win. Like a joule machine, it converts rotational energy into heat without the involvement of electricity. the generator is not up on the tower (requiring a stronger tower). [1] In temperate or cold climates, the share of thermal energy is even higher. [3], In spite of this, renewable energy sources play a negligible role in heat production. Given the definition of "efficiency," this is of course completely incorrect. I'm very curious to read those results, but you did not provide the link you are talking about Hi Kris - oh shoot - so sorry. I would love to learn more about the feasibility of those mills as heating system for small houses. In a 2011 paper, German and UK scientists write that small and remote households in northern regions demand thermal energy rather than electricity, and therefore wind turbines in such places should be build for thermal energy generation. Heat generating windmills are also investigated for renewable electricity production, mainly because they offer a better solution for energy storage compared to batteries or other common technologies. I wonder, if heat-generating windmills allow lightweight windmills to be economical, would that mean that they could also be portable? Anyway it's not a point - end goal is to reduce our dependence on resources, Posted by: They are quite inefficient but this would not matter so much in this context as the unutilized heat would go towards the primary goal of heating an inhabited room. What are you waiting for? Well, there is a great problem in that an average wind speed of 11 mps is rare.that is nearly 25mph. Beneath a critical wind speed, the compressor will lack the rotational speed to compress the heat transfer fluid back to liquid. kris de decker | March 06, 2019 at 11:45 AM. 2. A heat generator based on this principle is basically a wind-powered mixer or impeller installed into an insulated tank filled with water. Maybe a storage system with both hot and cold stores might be interesting. Concerning the Water Brake Windmill and your question about how one would control the temperature of the house. Also, designing some cavitation into the submersed rotor might increase the rate of heating. lambda expression cannot be converted to expression tree. You'll need to heat the water somehow outside the shed and run the hot water through pipes that run inside the shed. Water brake windmills don't need steam turbines. Mario Stoltz | I think I would like to experiment with this idea and build a mini Water Brake Windmill with the intent of heating a small off grid house. The storage system is similar to that of a concentrated solar power plant (CSP), and the solar concentrators are replaced by heat generating windmills. [12] However, using similar models for heat production can decrease embodied energy and costs, increass lifetime, and improve efficiency. Obviously, its not always stormy weather, which means that the average wind speed is at least as important. Two ideas that might be interesting: 1. No. Kris De Decker | Company registered number: 7120391. I would believe 30% more efficient. Purely for the sake of exploring ideas I will pursue my original train of thought anyway ;). It's probably going to be less practical compared to using a water brake. Still, thanks for expanding our horizon of the possible! Storing the high heat underground in rocks seems like a cheap option. Renewable energy production is almost entirely aimed at the generation of electricity. Or is it just controlling the flow rate of the water? Also, could you reverse the process to cool a house? For example, here in Barcelona, it would be useless. No way it's 300% as efficient, but without the source data, there's no way for the reader (or obviously the writer) to calculate. For even larger systems, energy needs to be transported in the form of electricity, and in that case direct generation of heat with all its benefits becomes unattractive. It's mechanical windmills with mechanical heat pumps that are more energy efficient (and cheaper) than wind turbines with electrical heat pumps. Even 'Wind Power for the World: The Rise of Modern Wind Energy' doesn't give its meaning. The lower 10 meters of the 20 meter high tower were filled up with 15 tonnes of water in an insulated reservoir. In total, at least a dozen different models have been documented, both DIY and commercial models. Images from "Test at very high wind speed of a windmill controlled by a water brake", O. Helgason and A.S. Sigurdson, Science Institute, University of Iceland. We receive very little for any exported power so self-consumption is preferred. It uses a patented and innovative device called a Magnetodynamic Heater that works with magnetic induced Eddy currents to produce heat. The same windmill as the one pictured above, seen from below. But this approach doesn't work for industry, where there's also a high demand for heat. Due to how the article was structured, it sometimes seemed to argue that water brake windmills are more efficient than electric heat pumps. This article is amazing and I love the idea of this. In case someone might be interested, there is a UK-based company called "H2O Turbine", and they have wind turbines using water breaks to produce hot. From the Neolithic to the beginning of the twentieth century, coppiced woodlands, pollarded trees, and hedgerows provided people with a sustainable supply of energy, materials, and food. Posted by: ", Okazaki, Toru, Yasuyuki Shirai, and Taketsune Nakamura. Does anyone know of a source for where to buy a small permanent magnet eddy current heater for water or oil heating generation? "Direct conversion of wind energy into heat using joule machine." Posted by: If you can afford it, a combination of both wind and solar power gives you the best of both worlds. Also, how would you transfer the waste heat from the generator to the heat medium? Like a joule machine, it converts rotational energy into heat without the involvement of electricity. The heat storage tank of a water brake windmill works like any other heating boiler. [8]. Posted by: Walton Web Ltd 2019. With 6 AC outlets and many ports, you can power up to 13 devices simultaneously. I think they are claiming a round trip efficiency of 60% for electricity storage. I would be interested if a mechanical windmill could be coupled with cryogenic energy storage. Online shopping for Patio, Lawn & Garden from a great selection of Solar Panels, Energy Controllers, Solar & Wind Power Parts & Accessories, Solar & Wind Power Inverters & more at everyday low prices. Source: [7]. However, in this case a gearbox is required to achieve optimal efficiency. Dozens of Danish tinkerers did in the 1970s and 1980s. Retarders and mechanical heat pumps have the same advantages as Joule Machines, in the sense that they are much smaller, lighter, and cheaper than electrical generators. It features 1260Wh of capacity, enough to run power tools, including a circular saw, electric hammer drill, or bench grinder. OK, now I get your point, you are right. Photo by Claus Nybroe. 10. Also on a larger scale, I think it makes more sense to have heat generating and electricity generating windmills standing alongside each other, rather than combining them into one machine. For example, when I was a student and still owned a desktop instead of a laptop, I has a set-up where I had put a blanket around my desk like a make-shift kotatsu, with the computer desktop poking through. This is not about math, it's about language. Due to friction among molecules of the water, mechanical energy is converted into heat energy. Brendan Howell | The writer of the book chapter may know, but he didn't answer my questions. I'm not a native English speaker and I should have written "as efficient". Installing a 20,000L tank is a significant expense, but might be worth it in areas with intermittent access to water or drought conditions. You the best of both wind and solar power gives you the best of both and. 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