She is not divorced, In fact she was at the state function for Donald Trump and his family with her husband, months after that false story emerged. Soo Clooney and Gerber were fighting over the twink, Styles and sold their company over him. Why this one?? I notice this all the time lately. Only the ones in direct line of succession get the big perks like dressers. Although entirely different companies, the same type of scandal that is rocking the partnership a permanent A list gymnast has with a company is the same thing that you will soon be seeing between the ginger haired one and a mental healthy company. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. Try harder assholes. the ideal??? The one with the great oral technique became the significant other of an A++ lister. +1 Aquagirl. She also dated a guy who was one of the biggest con men in the 20th century. How about billionaire Oprah and Gayle, who have the most invested in a half black Dutchess in the House of Windsor as some kind of triumph, instead of a tragedy (considering the zero character of the actress/Dutchess), and think everything can be covered up by good PR. One would have to be mentally slow to believe this much shite all in one go. #1 - This foreign born permanent A list singer who actually was part of a group long ago, his last ex-wife and this A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and many decades younger than the singer. FWIW, Markle's PR machine has gone into overdrive over the past week or so.There's just been a new infusion of cash into her publicity campaign at Sunshine Sachs, the very powerful PR firm, so she's getting weird statements of support from people like Mia Farrow.Also, Ellen DeGeneres has gone all in, insisting that she has "held and played with" Meg's rarely-photographed son Archificial during a trip to the UK. Actually there are more alive, but, unfortunately I don't know their names, or even a description. Since his anti-Semitic halloween gaff and that vegas stunt, Harry has been saying fuck you to the BRF. Later, the actor was driven to tears by one of a few hundred light bulbs going out in his trailer and unsuccessfully tried to get the worker who found the hair piece, fired for the error. Andrew is also rumoured to be HM's favourite which adds up in light of recent (and past) events. Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind. His Wikipedia page also makes no mention of it. Published on September 22, 2022 10:35 AM. Think Presley and Harry are the couple..allegedly. What you have to remember about the BRF is that affairs and Mistresses are no big deal. I 'm just thankful Meghan saved the planet some more by flying across the Atlantic to watch a tennis match. This alliterate reality star is taking Rogaine, but her hair is destroyed forever and it is only a matter of time before she is bald. This brings to mind Bill Clintons earnest under oath testimony that he did not have sex with that woman. Spoiler alert: he did have oral sex with her.What the truth is, and what people choose to swear to, are two very separate things. All Diana gave him was his coloring and the fuller mouth. They are the alpha land owning males on planet Earth. If you are lip synching and not doing any dances, this one named foreign born permanent A list singer doesn't think you need to rehearse. A few thoughts Fergie was rumoured to have asked Epstein if she could "visit him again" on his island and he declined. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. For several years, this foreign born alliterate A+/A list mostly movie actress was the mistress of the guy second in charge at an initialed studio. #4 - This three named actress who is different than the one above, her ex before her husband and an actor who has been to rehab quite possibly more than any other actor ever. I always go back and forth. The two were on the same television show for years. Perhaps Americans should stop commenting about things they dont understand. The Queen is the head of state, with no political power, but she is also the nominal head of the Church. Keeping the focus on A's antics also keeps it off B. All so interesting. DM had photos of the Queen for some anniversary and the man sitting on a horse looked to be Harry. Much of the vitriol and leaks about A (alliterate one) are coming from B's (pedophile and lover of them) camp. At least 100, Hot damn! Yeah, Brayson. How dare you try to out him! The wealthy farmer knows the reason for his divorce, but chose to totally blow it off while giving his reasons why he divorced. It was mostly devoted to cataloging the misdeeds and illegal activities of mostly terminally online people, but sometimes included celebrities. Poor thing was a mess. Jemima Goldsmith Khan looks just like her mother Annabel (have a look at old photos of Annabel) so saying Di looked like Jemima means nothing. Harry was born in September, 1984, and Diana didn't hook up with Hewitt until 1986. Certain members of this reality family have been trying to plant incriminating documents and photos on a man, so a different member of the reality family has a better chance of getting out of jail. It will time to coincide with the release of her memoirs next year? Give me a break. I am conflicted though by the "outing" process. I would say the opposite and that that narrative has been firmly pushed by the media and PR.,_7th_Marquess_of_Cholmondeley. This very tall and very big former A+ list NBA player, hemmed and hawed about paying for the damage done to a car by one of his children. Not all of them. At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. Makes no sense that Diana was James Goldsmith's daughter. "A lot of times people think that blind itemsbecause you're not naming names and most blind items never have any revealshave some kind of. None except a little of the Andrew and Fergie have any ring of truth. Not encouraging news for her image, if true. Charles is to succeed QEII no matter what "issues" there are, none affect succession. When I was in England last month I saw the initials O.W.M. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. Ents has been outing Clooney for a while. Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with stinky fingers. This celebrity fugitive/awful person has locals ready to kill him. Look at the recent announcement of Beatrice's engagement. Ridiculous. Educate yourself, Thorne. ENTY definitely just outed Rande/Clooney/ Styles. Harry looks like a red headed Spencer, like her father, brother and sisters. As recently as Monday, this morning anchor told his wife they should get back together, just to keep her from filing for divorce first. He is definitely not gay.Also, they sold the tequila business a long time ago. Think about it. This A- list actress didn't have to pay any actual money, she got her insurance company to pay everything she needed to pay. He has the Windsor (as in Georges V and VI and Edwars VII) bulging eyes, the nose and the horsey teeth. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. Crazy Days And Nights operates by posting 'blind items', often just a few lines of gossip with clues embedded as to who the celebrity subject might be. Robert Mugabe wouldn't die for the same reason, easy life as a 1 percent dictator.The "boss" could easily live another 10-15 years. Google it. Any material used from the Public domain follows Fair Use Guidelines and applicable laws. Harry Styles is a man of many talents, but he's also known for his bold fashion choices. @anna Give your sources, please--- since you are accusing so many people of 'spouting rubbish'. Funny, your name is one of the newer ones. It is also unknown if there are any other films that involve celebrities like the director or just random third guys. So, say, Charles I's role as monarch and entanglements with Parliament were quite comparable to those of the current Queen? ?Wrong.Maybe they just dusagree with you. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. Meghan needs to take notes from a professional grifter like her. This former A- list actor who starred in a very popular franchise is married to a woman. Remember all of the blinds about Clooney and young boys? @AtlantAnne, if it's true that Markle fired Sunshine Sachs after they brought out all their big guns to support her, SS would only be the latest victim of the Markle curse.Beyonc's single bombed after she and Markle played besties at "The Lion King" premiere.Serena's been on a Grand Slam losing streak ever since Meg started turning up at all her matches.Ed Enninful was in line to be editor of US Vogue, replacing Anna Wintour - he was seen as the fashion world's great white (black) hope - until he let Markle edit the September issue of UK Vogue, an issue that became the laughing stock of the industry. Their "job" is as easy as a full blown Dictator. Ahh, this explains things for me. James Goldsmith had brown eyes as does Jemima. Karma, do you even know what it means to be DL? Harry has a kid from the Vegas party. Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharingInteresting Inspirational QuotesQuality Excellence QuotesPowerful World QuotesTrain Hard Gym QuotesWiki Dragons SearchForever Future QuotesGain Independent QuotesGain Success QuotesGood Exam Quotes . Some just really, really love tattoos. I mean why would a business partnership blow up because of Harry Styles? Presley Gerber has a face tattoo now. This all happened a good fifty years ago and involved a disgraced director who has been on the run for over forty years. Great catch @MZ. It's people with blue eyes who cannot produce brown eyed children. We met 13 times before we got married (laughs). Apparently this permanent A list actor doesn't like people to know when he hires an escort and they rob him blind. The one thing I can say for their divorce is it helped William be able to choose a more amicable marriage. The taxpayers always give them (and helicopter-riding Camilla) a pass while griping nonstop about MM. I have plenty of Hollywood girlfriends who have slept with Clooney over the years. Fergie has always been a low class trash heap who does nothing but spend money and cover for (meal ticket) Andrew. I keep waiting for some science to show us that the royal bloodlines really are special ergo they have the divine right to rule. Entry has blown what little credibility he had. What more do you want? She's just waiting until William and the kids are out of town. "The boss is aware of all of the above and is happy to let A (aka Wallis A's last name is what she is being called) "Happy to let A what? Have heard many stories like that. I expect to see a lot more blinds like this from them. I thought maybe it was some sort of regal designation, but apparently it just means overweight Markle. Gotta love the boyband Stans. I hope that Clooney and Gerber are paying the Mexicans a decent price for the mescal. yes - Wills is Diana all over, but look at the serious face and compare. And to the other unknown here: straight grown ass business partners do not have falling outs over 20 year old gay boy-banders. But yeah the use of the word partner here has a second meaning, although it wouldnt explain why they had a falling out over Styles. Anne is shagging a younger man, and Harry has a lovechild in Las Vegas? So, Fergie who sucked off Epstein once is leaking all the shit about Markle in revenge for the pregnancy announcement at Eugenies wedding.Kate wants another baby but cant bear to sleep with cheating William. Diana in her own words transcript: HM is not the head of it. MM fits this scenario because she is broadening the bloodline with her duskiness. Publicly aligning yourself with Meghan Markle is dangerous. See which one can fit the most Sharpies in their poopers. This one named former A/A- list singer whop did a lot of features that made her famous, got dumped by her most recent sugardaddy right after she blew a whole bunch of money on something stupid because she thought more money was coming. We are FREE to have & share opinions, even if they differ from yours. She loves children but suffers with hyperemesis gravidarum, which makes pregnancy about as uncomfortable as it can get. I'm sure the royal courtiers watch the succession issues. @ Em and Im Kate HAS a third child. A previously little known gossip website was knocked offline recently. C contributed anon tips for the foreign television show that trashed A. Shoo. Yes. The daughter he had behind Anne's back is a vet in New Zealand and is absolutely lovely, people say.Kate knew loyalty would not be one of William's traits - she said as much to Chelsea one time (that it comes with the territory). There is the ancient faction, and then there is a much younger faction that feels like they will take over once the mogul dies. William looks zero like Juan Carlos I. She was chosen due to her family breeding/pedigree and nativity. Personally I doubt Kate is serious about a third child. Some people seem dead set on demonizing Megan. Must have been, yeah (frightened). I didnt quite get it since I dont really have any strong feelings about any of the royals, I just like the gossip. Pre-Amal, Enty continually wrote blinds about the Gerber/Clooney partnership/relationship and that all of Clooney's girlfriends were under contract to serve as beards for this relationship. Although not as strongly pronounced, I see Windsor in William as well and since there would not have been any time in the 4 months between their marriage and when they announced the pregnancy for her to dig up a lover I believe both sons are legitimate! There's more to looks and genes than just hair color people. They just don't ever want to say anything bad about the A list mostly movie actor. I dont think he ever revealed those blinds where he implied they were gay. She was on maternity leave and wanted William to be able to go out and enjoy himself. You leap to that conclusion from a bullshut story on an anonymous gossip website? @Nutty Flavor - So true. Harry got public and vital praise for his function. With the new rabid dog PR team in place for her, this marriage is over.I also agree with Nutty. I dont believe that William is cheating and I doubt Kate would withhold sex if she wants another baby. 5. and most important, she is an obnoxious American who now considers herself royalty, preaches conservation while jetting around nonstop with her trash friends, and is eating all the food. When England pulls out of the EU is more interesting than anything royal related, unless Pippa dn Markle have an ass off. This is due to emergency top up surgery he needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly. crazydays124 videos fluentlyforward 25.5M followers 74 videos Sounds Daylight 23.4K Daylight Harry Styles 01:00 7796 Harry Styles 01:00 2M Late Night Talking Harry Styles 00:58 8679 Keep Driving Harry Styles 00:58 8688 Crazy Days and Nights T M Gun 01:00 Satellite 00:59 15.2K 23.4K 00:30 612K 652.5K Discover more topics harry styles dancing crazy @Nutty_Flavor, rumor has it that Farkle sacked Sunshine Sachs because their staff leaked a direct quote from her about wanting to break the internet. This ought to get plenty of page views and comments amirite Enty? The north of the border singer who is closeted, has been hooking up with a foreign born openly gay A- list mostly movie actor. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. The kids need to know no more that their parents have an open marriage let alone the sex of their partners.And Cindy Crawford has a voice in a man's vocal register? The leader of this religion has been hiding in London and in Los Angeles to avoid that trafficking lawsuit. @em and 'im - if you're as close to the situation as you claim then you'd know Kate already has three children; if she had another it would be her fourth. Brown is dominant so Dianas blue eyes did not result from a Goldsmith union. Diana may well have been a virgin but IMO, it's because she had her eye on what was considered "the big prize, that is, marriage to Charles. The narrative in-fandom (I still follow a lot of harry stans from my 1D days) is that he doesn't use social media because of Larry which tbh I think is a shit excuse and it's just his fans trying to cling onto something rather than realise he doesn't like them that much - yes the Larry Stylinson thing may have hurt him and his r'ship . Oh, crikey, the Sunshine Sachs plants are here, too. 's'cray cray how there are names that appear here only when an MM blind is posted.the rest of us see each other off and on - but post an MM blind and "bam" suddenly - tons of new commentersMeghan - we see you AND your minions. It wasn't it was Prince Phillip as a younger man. Notice how Smeghan is the one who comes out relatively clean in this? (@hstarfoxx), karissa(@karissawalker), niall horans bff(@curiouslyhoran), shaili(@_shaili_), (taylor's version)(@sunflowervol.ele . Having poor facial recognition is a bona fide condition that you clearly are afflicted with. By Rob Sheffield. #meghanmarkle #princeharry #royalsPrince Harry Africa Trip Online be respectful to one another. GAHHH! Plus the part about a doctor checking her. They were the strongest and smartest (yes perhaps most brutal) of their tribe.They didn't just win a contest or something. I think Anne genuinely loved her first husband. The world isnt your oyster. They own a tequila company with a few others. @AtlantAnnLet me guess. Must be a PR move. The poor Gerber kidsimagine the twisted childhoods they've had. Entry is taking payola from SMeg, these are about as farcical as they get and are all revenge lies that serve SMegs interest. You share it with the rest of us & we all get to feel & say what we want. WAAAYCISTS!! Enty never revealed the blinds, though, a consensus was that it was Gerber/Clooney. Or something like that. Agree with Unknown up there, this blind throws everyone under the bus, (except MM) including Harry. The dates don't add up. I imagine a whole slew of pedigrees young ladies lost their virginity to guys soon after Diana married Charles, since the catch was caught. In Shakespeare in Love Judi Dench as Queen Elizabeth has a memorable line. Once the word is out, no one will protect her. A = Meghan MarkleB = AndrewC = Fergie Harry sure does look like James Hewitt a dear friend of his late mother. All 3rd party information referenced, are for illustrative purposes, are NOT for malicious intent. She take aone look at Gwyneth Paltrow and unequivocally states, Shes been plucked. Diana was as clearly unplucked before her marriage as she was clearly plucked following those weeks on the yacht with Charles after. Thank you for that distinction and correction.QEII still thinks it was ok to ride next to her pervert son the day after Epstein allegedly committed suicide, to "church", and that is OK? So Harry's new shiny rebuilt bangle is up and running then? I hereby certify her a Total Jackass. Look at that nose of his! This foreign born actress had her big break in a mockumentary type film a few years back. Please, rosie, don't get us into moderation again. That is if both parents have brown eyes, and I believe that Diana's mother Frances even had blue eyes. The documentary was also shown in the UK. An offspring of this NBA GOAT, has three strippers he pays bills for each month and sleeps with, so the pseudo aunt he sleeps with is never going to get the ring that exclusive thing she wants. Fit the most Sharpies in their poopers really are special ergo they have the divine to. He needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly has ready. Illegal activities of mostly terminally online people, but she is also to... Illegal activities of mostly terminally online people, but, unfortunately i do n't know their names, even! Is married to a woman William be able to go out and enjoy himself is Diana over. Divine right to rule that that narrative has been saying fuck you to the other unknown here straight. 'S people with blue eyes did not result from a professional grifter like her,. Yes perhaps most brutal ) of their tribe.They did n't just win a contest something! For ( meal ticket ) Andrew list actor does n't like people to know when he an. 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