We are a community of hard working families who were willing to make the financial sacrifice to allow our children a great opportunity. Private Tour with seven travelers (and your group can be as large as you'd like) Free travel! al. will be amended to plead violations of Massachusetts consumer protection law. Date: Tue, Jun 28, 2022, 9:41 AM They insist on keeping $500 per person! Trip delay coverage On September 8, 2020, and over vigorous objection, federal District Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel granted a motion to change venue from the Southern District of California to the District of Massachusetts that had previously been filed by the EF Defendants and set for hearing on September 11, 2020. By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. v. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc., et. And that wasn't even a full guarantee of a full refund. I worked on the building and had to be in the offices every 3 months for 2 years. I called to see if they would at least just do $1000 for both kids and they told me no. New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your inbox. 321. By the first week I was already begging to go home and I kept hoping, thinking and praying that things would get better however they never did. we signed my son up for a trip to England , Paris, and Rome. I can supply screenshots and credit card bills as proof of payment in 2019 -20. My first was as a parent going with my 15-year-old along with a group of about 20 kids (from a . In order for those sheets to be legal I should of initialed those pages or signed them. This program was created to provide the safest possible tour experience for our customers. Below are a range of policies and programs designed to flex to meet our travelers specific needsno matter where they are in the planning process. Coverage for expenses due to trip delays (lodging, food, and other reasonable expenses plus limited reimbursement of unused, forfeited, prepaid non-refundable payments for travel arrangements). Subject to policy limits and exclusions. Policy terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. We barely had enough time to shop and when we did have the time they were always closed. EF claims that they are the least expensiveYou get what you pay for. Our group leader and another chaperone attending the trip tested positive for covid and were unable to attend. I was told the person would be kicked off the tour but they werent. We understand that plans can change due to unforeseen circumstances. With our EF Parent Ambassador Program, we'll connect you with a fellow parent who has "been there, done that" and can help answer any questions you may have about your traveler's upcoming tour. Ms. Alaina Kommer from Grant High School does only think about herself and her travelling experience. They are in trouble financially and that is ok with me!!! Earn benefits like one spot on tour for every six travelers you bring. Cancel for Any Reason** IT IS THE PROFESSIONAL OPINION OF MCGRANE PC THAT A SERIOUS RISK EXISTS THAT ACCEPTING SUCH OFFERS WITHOUT THE ADVICE OF SUCH LEGAL COUNSEL WILL WORK A FORFEITURE OF VALUABLE LEGAL RIGHTS. I finally reached an emergency contact at EF and was told to stay on our flights. . EF Educational Tours provides educational, worldwide tours for students and parents. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. Background checks take place through a secure process that is meant to specifically identify individuals who could present a risk to student travelers while on tour. We put a deposit down and also the registration fee $199 plus $500. ?we were then offered a tour of a castle which was supposedly a make up gift from ef tours for the bus situation however, once we got there we only had about 45 mins- an hour to tour the entire castle. Seriously, that was suppose to be the best part?!?!?! Every supervisory contact that she has received emails from since 2019/20 , 21 are no longer employed by EF Go Ahead . However, I was never allowed to speak with management. (Just this year I found out our group leader got something for a refund, but she never mentioned it or even helped me get my money back in 2018.thanks for that.) She was contracted but not employed by EFgo ahead tours. This program is automatically included for all travelers and can be enacted at the group level for any reason, including terrorism, pandemics, or other world events. She is welcome to call traveler support for more clarification! -Sandra Joubarani. I was told by the EF Tours representative that he could room with boys from other schools or upgrade (at an additional $90 per night!) I purchased piece of mind cancelation at the very beginning of the trip that allows for a full refund. A class action has been filed over an educational travel companys alleged failure to issue sufficient refunds for student tours canceled in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. I had to also pay $500.00 cancellation fee which is ridiculous since there is 6 more months till the trip. I have been to the offices in Boston (I work on the building from time to time) and it's a blizzard every time I go. This browser does not support PDFs. I would like a refund, minus my travel protection plan please. I suggest you urge your Swiss client to do the right thing here by giving people their money back, every single cent of it, before this situation gets any worse for them than it already is. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to ripple across the globe, a proposed class action lawsuit has been filed over an educational travel companys alleged failure to issue sufficient refunds for canceled student tours. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. - Class Action Lawsuits . their futures. UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 1:30 PM PDST April 12, 2020, On April 10, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Richard Schirtzer regarding Natalia Grabovsky, etc., et. HOW CAN THIS BE LEGAL??? On October 22, 2020, Boston-based co-counsel for McGrane PC send a demand letter to the EF Defendants (including EF Explore America Inc., which runs domestic tours) demanding a full refund under Massachusetts consumer protection law which Massachusetts consumer protection law appears to more directly address the requirement that such full refunds be offered than does California consumer protection law. al. Coronavirus Tour Cancellations Spark Refund Lawsuit (1) . I just felt like it should have been planned better. My oldest son was scheduled to take a school trip to Peru next year. Just don't do it. if this is how they treat us before the trip? He has an unexpected stopover in Munich and no One accompanies him as he Is out of the group Once 30 days has passed and absent capitulation by the EF Defendants, the now-transferred case of Rochfort et. Account #6297341 . Our 50,000+ staff and faculty members around the world provide a local presence and are able to react quickly and in person where necessary. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. To be eligible, the traveler must enroll on a tour at least 110 days prior to the scheduled departure date. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. EF Education First International, AG, New to ClassAction.org? Just don't use them. If the revised tour has a higher price than the original tour, travelers will be required to pay the difference as a condition of traveling on the revised tour. DO NOT USE EF Tours! If a traveler is diagnosed with COVID-19 while on tour, EF will provide or arrange for the following, consistent with local requirements, at no additional expense to the traveler throughout the duration of any on-tour quarantine period: If a traveler or group is not diagnosed with, yet is required to quarantine on account of, COVID-19 while on tour, EF will provide or arrange for the following, consistent with local requirements, at no additional expense to the travelers throughout the duration of any on-tour quarantine period: The COVID Care Promise applies to tours departing on September 30, 2023 or earlier. Take, for example, your requested representation about class representatives: If you move for class certification EF cannot agree not to argue that someone who accepted a refund is not a proper representative for a group who elected another option. Emilia Hovestadt I hereby unconditionally and unequivocally waive any and all claims and demands for all damages, losses, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever (including attorneys fees) on account of or arising out of any and all personal injury, death, bodily injury, mental anguish, emotional distress, or property or other damage that I may suffer from any cause whatsoever related in any way to my participation in any EF [SWISS]-sponsored tour. It isn't worth the hassle these people have created. Claim it and get a lot of features. Yet I received a check in the mail for $300 before I could talk to someone. As we enhance and innovate on our own health and safety protocols, we'll continue to monitor guidance from local and federal authorities in the U.S. and internationally. "Russia is at war with Ukraine, the UK is prioritizing Ukraine visas over every other VISA on humanitarian grounds. Out of that $550, $95 is the none refundable deposit but come on, the rest if ridiculous, especially when the cancellation request is made OVER A YEAR in advance. I asked for the registration form and I did sign that I read the cancellation agreement etc. About 3-4 months before our trip, and after we had already paid IN FULL, we were notified that because of our small group, our group leader had only signed 5 people up..hindsight tells me people saw what a rip off it was and didn't sign up to take it in the rear from EF. My daughter wanted to go with members of her class on this great trip with EF tours. . We get that it is overpriced because they want to make a profit and the teacher wants their trip paid for. I have seen some recent reviews for EF Tours and wanted to share my experiences for those who may consider using this company for a tour. Dear Sirs We will advise as to what the outcome of this and other motions made by EF SWISS and the other defendants to avoid liability for making full cash refunds are as soon as we are advised by the District Court as to its decisions. cash refund for the unused trip. Please note: This electronic EF Future Travel Voucher replaces and voids any previous voucher you may have received for your 2020 tour. Also, in the long run, you actually pay the same or more (with all the added fees.) I want all of my money refunded as it is the right thing to do. 12(b)(2)" in connection with a motion filed by EF SWISS now scheduled for hearing before the District Court in the Southern District of California on September 11, 2020, in which motion EF SWISS seeks dismissal of the case against it on the basis it does no business in California and therefore cannot be sued in that state. Before we will give you [the EF Defendants] wire transfer instructions and thereafter accept any monies on behalf of any of our clients, however, we [McGrane PC] will insist on a clear written agreement that our acceptance of such payments on their behalf is without prejudice to their rights to seek further legal recourse against the EF Defendants on any theory available to them in law, equity or by virtue of statute. while including the problematic unconscionable clauses that made sure the bankruptcy insurance being sold if EF Defendants did not perform would never possibly be called on [because the EF Defendants would never have to pay anyone any money anyway] speaks to the unconscionability of the relevant unconscionable clauses for everyone EF Defendants did business with, not just some arbitrary subclass of actual [travel] insurance buyers.Moreover, the CLRA speaks to $1000 fines per violation which IMNSHO, speaks to each of three arguably unconscionable clauses as a separate CLRA violation, making your clients' penal fines exposure $3k per consumer, not just $1k . the unforeseen. Day two in London we were trying to go on the bus tour however EF tours gave the bus tour the wrong number of people so because the bus that came to pick us up was too small, we were forced to visit the locations by foot and by train. Due to traffic and bad timing we traveled. How on earth is this justifiable? they won't, in any way, help you book your return trips to stay together as a family. For groups departing October 1, 2022 and later, EF provides the exclusive Peace of Mind program below to account for such situations. al. Would it possible to help US have Better solution? For additional details regarding the insurance components of this plan, underwritten by US Fire Insurance Company, including coverage limits and a full list of exclusions, please visit this page. Sign up for ClassAction.org's newsletterhere. One thing is guaranteed. This whole [California Consumer Legal Remedies Act's] use of unconscionability as a sword and not a shield is not a good deal from your side of this case. This company is a rip off send your complaints to your states Attorney General! Benefits include: Choice of departure date. Anyways, we were told the new trip was "similar/almost identical" to the one we had signed up for, but there would be no extension to Paris and it would be 2 days shorter. EF representatives available to support the traveler and to coordinate with local authorities on their behalf where necessary, Assistance connecting with local health care providers, Communication between the traveler and the travelers family back home, EF-arranged flights home, based on existing itinerary, for the traveler once cleared to return, If the diagnosed traveler is a minor, flights for their parent or guardian to join them at the tour location, EF representatives available to support the traveler or group and to coordinate with local authorities on their behalf where necessary, Communication between the traveler or group and their family back home, EF-arranged flights home for the traveler or group once cleared to return. Later on April 20, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Mr. Schirtzer as follows: Richard, I do think the CLRA is a significant problem for you and I want to clarify a point in Michael [Hassen's] letter. But their ads sure reflect diversity! As you can imagine the difference between 0 and 55 is immaculate and only caused problems throughout the entire trip. We have represented to you [the EF Defendants] and our [McGrane PC direct] clients we will immediately transfer monies received in trust for them from you to them from our trust account, less, at most, $30 to cover wire transfer fees out. Flights had been re-booked. EF Educational Tours is keeping $700.00 as a cancellation fee. I called EF Tours back, they are keeping $300 cancellation fee, $95 downpayment and $155 for some type of insurance. We were also mostly stuck eating gas station food because we either arrived too late for dinner at the restaurants, or we were unable to eat in restaurants because of the big games going on. On February 5, 2021, defendants EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. (EF Institute), EF Education First International, Ltd. (EF International), and EF Explore America, Inc. (EF America) filed a motion to dismiss Plaintiffs Second Amended Complaint (Dec 7, 2020). Presently she is trying to get refunds for trip because of the imposed restrictions that cannot be met. Has anybody been to the office of EF? We were told there was no where we could go. So, no refund. The tour company has repeatedly asked for opinions of the tour and has promoted additional trips. I am seeking a full refund, not a partial one. This, of course, was never brought up until it was too late to change the reservation. Plaintiffs seek class certification, an injunction against EF Tours and an order requiring EF Tours to offer each class member the options required under 940 C.M.R. ", Later on April 22, 2020, Mr. Schirtzer responded: "[T]hese vouchers that offer customers several different ways to utilize 100% of value of their previous payments can hardly be described as 'worthless.' We were told that other than the deposit and a small admin fee, all the rest of the money was refundable. According to the complaint, the defendants have made no effort to explain why the $1,000 penalty is at all reasonable, regardless of how much each customer paid. Upon talking to EF, they refunded $ to our peers in Houston but I was told my daughter only get a $1500 voucher. Some of it was just bad luck however I feel like most of it was EF tours being lazy and not trying to help make the experience the best that it could have been. The Education First Tour Class Action Lawsuit is Grabovsky v. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange Inc., et al., Case No. Their solution is to book another tour to avoid losing money. I was just on an EF tour to Portugal and I can honestly say it was horrible. The communication from EF Tours its grossly nonexistent and generic. In good faith, my daughter and I, despite the 2020 cancellation of our purchased tour, took the "voucher" route in order to secure a tour for 2021 so that we would not loose our investment. Imagine being in London not able to tour anything because you don't have the proper tour bus that you were promised?? After about a year and a couple of months of planning, we FINALLY received our travel dates. A copy of this pleading is posted on our UPDATES page. That means that I will receive less than half that amount back! I want my 500 that was stolen from me. *$490 is the current cost for tours departing on or after October 1, 2023. Original departure date 7/13/2020 This company canceled our tour claiming Covid caused them to be short of staff to accommodate the tour. They have stolen from many people, including seniors and students some of whom are in high school or younger. When students go beyond the I too have had a very disappointing experience with the cancellation My daughter is currently Begging to do EF tour with school and I know best price discount removed after booking. Joining the EF family means you'll have the support of our community of educators, tour architects, operations wizards, and ever-curious explorers. Have had 2 separate travel experiences with EF. Then, a parent called because we hadn't heard anything about travel plans and found out about some significant COVID restrictions that were not disclosed to the group. I was super excited to go experience 6 countries however from day one everything seemed to go wrong. Trip Cancellation coverage First the trip increased in price from the original amount 3 times due to tours that were added on at no option to us. The 2020 trip was canceled due to Covid. EF Tours, however, did not want to refund all the money during the quarantine. et. The lawsuit looks to represent all citizens across the United States who entered into a 2019-2020 adhesion contract in connection with an EF tour through a U.S. high school that was scheduled to leave after January 31, 2020 but has since been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak and who were refused a full refund based on the public health We sent emails. I have requested my money back. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey announced Thursday her office has reached a settlement with EF tours that resulted in more than $1.4 million in additional refunds for nearly 4,200. I'd like them to give me a written, emailed itemized list of what they are spending all our money on. Hence the lawsuit (in CA 2020, look it up). WE had been assured our trip would go on before we left California, so we trusted EF. . I am outraged and helpless. Chosen by our travelers, these tried-and-true favorites bring destinations to life through culturally immersive activities. However, the problem has wider implications for your clients. All I know to do is make this issue public. They also facilitate communication between travelers and families in the event of an emergency at home. The best part is, the voucher is valid through September 30, 2022, which means you and your family have more than two years to explore all of the possibilities and choose the experience thats right for you. I am beyond disappointed and want to make sure that other families looking to book a trip with them in the future reconsiders and finds another company with fairer policy to make travel plans with. I also asked if I could speak to someone else about it she told me I could but I would be wasting my time because they would tell me the same thing. This is because 45 days prior to departure is the cut off to add a chaperone. B)there are about 1,000 people in the building and I have yet to see anyone that wasn't white as the driven snow. What a waste of time and money. They are extremely rude and will not falter from there scripted excuses. I feel like everything was rushed. Help Center: Coverage and policy flexibility. The apparent truth is you keep denigrating this option because you dont want customers to take any option other than the cash refund (which you then want sent to your firm). In addition to our standard Peace of Mind program, EF provides an exclusive COVID-19 Peace of Mind program for tours scheduled to depart between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2022, to account for situations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Filed: March 17, 2020 3:20-cv-00508-GPC-BLM. Unable to travel? This paves the way for the three named class representative plaintiffs to file a class certification motion so long as they can demonstrate the class is comprised of persons who suffered some variety of concrete injury for federal case or controversy jurisdictional purposes. Along with others from our tour, in Quite we were then shuttled to a holding room near the airport terminal , no water, no food, one bathroom, Their local guide had no information. lawsuit against Defendants EF Education First International, Ltd. ("EF International"), EF Institute . UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 9:00 AM PDST April 24, 2020, On April 22, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Richard Schirtzer advising Mr. Schirtzer that his clients, the EF Defendants' ". These programs apply to tours departing October 1, 2022 or later. EF Educational Tours Call 800-665-5364 to enroll. That's sort of a release, isn't it? They won't tell you your kid's return flight so that you can try to book a return on the same flight (except maybe 10 days before the return). After getting her drivers license she has decided she would rather be making payments on a car instead of the trip and we proceeded to cancel the trip. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. I cannot begin to talk about the horrible neighborhoods the hotels are in. We will incorporate new procedures where appropriate as part of the comprehensive safety measures that are standard on every EF tour. Avoid at all costs! When something goes wrong, you thing you are covered. Trip Interruption coverage Three weeks after enrolling, our circumstances changed so I called to cancel, expecting to pay the $95 cancellation fee x2. I also dont like My daughter's trip was cancelled due to unforeseen medical issues to the group tour guide (PE teacher for my daughter) which she learned of over the past months. I haven t received any schoolplan, no activities, Just an enourmous amount of Money paid and no information at all, apart some general meetings where lots of people speak and no body answers your questions on the chat. Thank you for your email! The company has had my money for almost three years, because I fairly adopted a wait and see to travel. If you're concerned about your rights, you can try reaching out to the law firms handling the case. 15.06(1 . Not helpful. We only got a partial refund My son was scheduled to go to spain April 2 2020. *$190 is the current cost for tours departing on or after October 1, 2023. Mr. Hassen's letter of April 20, 2020, is available by visiting our UPDATES page. Desired outcome: Recently I was notified by EF Tours that my child was cancelled from the tour after paying off almost whole trip price. They are basically stealing our money and find this to be okay. Looking ahead. Concerning those individuals who have opted to employ McGrane PC directly on a contingent, no direct fees/costs basis, McGrane PC has a fiduciary duty to protect them from inadvertently being stripped of their rights to participate in the pending class action against the EF Defendants by requiring the EF Defendants to negotiate payments through McGrane PC in such a way as to prevent the EF Defendants from even possibly disadvantaging McGrane PC's clients. Travel can be a big adventure, like exploring someplace new for the first time. I agreed to be a chaperone for our students, and it's incredibly disappointing that EF honestly thinks that this policy is honest and fair. When I called to cancel his trip I was horrified to find out that despite purchasing the $200 protection plan, my reasoning for canceling the trip was not covered and not only had I paid the $200 for nothing, but they would also charge me an additional $360 cancellation fee. Of course our trip was rescheduled for another year due to COVID. We scheduled another tour but is was cancelled because of conditions in Israel. Travelers missing any payment deadlines must pay any incurred late fees to qualify for this program. v. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc., et. We were offered a wait and see attitude for the following year 2021 . Their contact information can be found in the complaint below. 2. If the group does not travel on the original tour, travel on a revised tour, or receive a Future Travel Voucher, standard cancellation fees will apply. Emilia with EF shared that she could not update my status to chaperone and refused to be flexible during a pandemic during unexpected changes due to it being past the 45 day threshold. The local guide said we could fly to panamaThat was it. No at EF responds with a call or in person talk, they avoid emails and make us wait on phone lines. The company told me I can sell my voucher. Looking for a new place to explore, or just a new way to see a familiar destination? Look at all the one star reviews. I will not let this go if need be I will take them to court and sue there asses. Trip Cancellation coverage Each one of our tours resonates with today's students, and provides lessons that will stick with themand help drive themwherever they go next. 3) They pretend that you can extend your student's trip. this absurdity not previously announced On September 8, 2020, and over vigorous objection, federal District Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel granted a motion to change venue from the Southern District of California to the District of Massachusetts that had previously been filed by the EF Defendants and set for hearing on September 11, 2020. UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 3:30 PM PDST MARCH 30, 2020, On Friday, March 27, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Richard Schirtzer regarding Natalia Grabovsky, etc., et. Not willing to give us a full refund for travel in May due to COVID19, Class action suit: coronavirus-2019 covid-2019 quarantined - not fulfilling full refund. al., United States District Court for the Southern District of California Case No. Here's my EFTours experience: 1.I have been on 3 EFTours and have another planned for next summer. Defendant, EF Travel, Inc., is a Massachusetts corporation having a principal place of business at Two Education Circle, Cambridge, Massachusetts. There was no due diligence conducted by EF tours as to the hazards associated with this location. Join a Free Coronavirus Failure to Refund Class Action Lawsuit Investigation This company is a scam. Pursuant toCalifornia Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 7.3(c)please take note that this webpage constitutes a paid advertisement for legal services. Illness and accident coverage Safety First Program I booked a trip with our homeschool "trip club" to do EF's Great Britain tour with a 2 day extension to Paris. The first was in 2018. Were covering: I would say about the five days we were traveling to other countries on bus, we were in the bus for 12-15 hours. I did not cancel this trip! Dedicated Emergency Service and Incident Response Teams I overlooked all that because it was time spent with my daughter. I don't even know how it is legal to have these moron bastards do business. Is overpriced because they want to make the financial sacrifice to allow our children a opportunity. To get refunds for trip because of the money during the quarantine cases and investigations settlement!: this electronic EF Future travel voucher replaces and voids any previous voucher you may have received for your.. Conditions in Israel court for the Southern District of California Case no the Lawsuit ( CA... 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